Looks like that plan to get fit during quarantine is over because Girl Scout Cookies are going digital. The days of little girls dressed in brown sashes knocking on your door and trying to push cookies on you are over. Which is certainly sad, but is also kind of a blessing in disguise for us Thin Mint and Samoa-heads who have gotten side-eye as we attempted to buy “too many boxes” of girl scout cookies at one time.
“No Ashley G and Carol S, maybe you’re eating too many cookies for a grown man!”
Now all of us can buy as many Samoas as we want totally judgment-free, while still supporting our local community of scouts. This is huge, because in the past if you didn’t have a girl scout connect you either had to bite the bullet and accept you weren’t going to get any cookies or jump in your car and drive around looking for kids selling sweets. Which def isn’t the right play right now. For anybody. On multiple levels.
To get some cookies, simply visit the Girl Scouts website, type in your zip code, and order cookies from the nearest Girl Scouts location. But move fast, just because the cookie sales have gone digital doesn’t mean they’ll be available all year. Some scout locations will only be selling cookies for ten more days, which is about 355 days too short.