To help pass the endless hours in isolation (Iron Man and Nebula had it easy compared to what we’re currently going through), James Gunn recently hosted a #QuarantineWatchParty for Guardians of the Galaxy. Throughout the evening, he shared behind-the-scenes facts about the 2014 movie, including what he told Karen Gillan when she joined the cast (“When I hired @karengillan, I told her her role in this movie wasn’t that big but if everything went according to plan she’d become a Guardian. Seeing how evil she is here it’s hard to believe her huge turn! I’m a complete sucker for redemption arcs”) and whether he faced any blowback from Marvel about the Jackson Pollock line (“Some… until it got the biggest laugh in the movie in an early screening”).
Gunn also revealed his favorite scene in the movie. It’s when Drax comforts Rocket following Groot’s death. “My favorite moment in the movie. I cry every time I see it (I’m teary now),” he tweeted. “It’s probably the first time Rocket has ever experienced physical tenderness in his life and the way he sinks into and accepts it kills me and makes me love Drax.” There are many reasons to love Drax, played by Dave Bautista (who Gunn had to fight for, which is the first time someone who looks like Gunn has ever to had fight for someone who looks like Big Dave), but this might be the best reason. This scene is a bummer, but it has a happy ending when Groot is reborn as Baby Groot.
My favorite moment in the movie. I cry every time I see it (I’m teary now). It’s probably the first time Rocket has ever experienced physical tenderness in his life and the way he sinks into and accepts it kills me and makes me love Drax. #QuarantineWatchParty #gotg pic.twitter.com/w5HyQ23WQm
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) April 8, 2020
If you missed Gunn’s live-tweeting, cheer up: another Marvel director, Taika Waititi, is hosting a “screening party” for Thor: Ragnarok on Thursday, April 9 (hey, that’s today!), at 4 p.m. PST on Instagram Live. He’ll be doing a “live commentary with at least one special guest,” who isn’t in the movie, Waititi tweeted. I hope it’s Darryl.
Tomorrow (Thursday April 9). 4pm PST on INSTAGRAM LIVE.
I’ll be doing a live commentary with at least one special guest (they aren’t in the movie).
Also I spent 3 minutes drawing this flyer and that is not wine, they’re teardrops of BLOOD. #ThorRagnarok #LiveScreeningParty pic.twitter.com/IA2FFibb0N— Taika Waititi (@TaikaWaititi) April 9, 2020