The last new episode of Saturday Night Live, with host Daniel Craig and musical guest the Weeknd, aired on March 7. A lot’s happened in the past month, but as I’m sure Lorne Michaels has recently said multiple times, the long-running sketch show must go on: SNL is coming back this weekend, but it’s going to look different. Very different.
Deadline reports that SNL will return to airing “original content” on April 11, but “the length of the original telecast and exact roster of new material are still being figured out. It will include Weekend Update and other original content from SNL cast members. All of it will be produced remotely as the show, along with all other TV programs, practices social distancing.” SNL‘s official Twitter account showed the cast (including the oft-absent Pete Davidson) doing their part by staying the heck away from each other.
This Saturday
#SNLAtHome pic.twitter.com/JT62ELvmsW
— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) April 9, 2020
Please note the Jack poster behind Kyle Mooney, thank you. Anyway, SNL should use this as an excuse to get weird. Like, “Darrell’s House” weird. Also, bring back Dua Lipa, who was supposed to be the musical guest for the planned March 28 episode. We could all use some shimmering dance-floor happiness right now.
(Via Deadline)