There’s only one Matthew McConaughey, but within Matthew McConaughey lies many personalities. There’s rom-com McConaughey, poetic-sounding nonsense McConaughey, McConaissance McConaughey (you can tell it’s him when he’s thumping his chest or singing about the ladies of Tampa), and naked McConaughey, of course. On Monday, we were introduced to a new McConaughey: “Bobby Bandito” McConaughey.
we’ve got more livin to do #BobbyBandito pic.twitter.com/V5s9nuVqDi
— Matthew McConaughey (@McConaughey) April 13, 2020
The Oscar winner adopted a cowboy persona to teach people how to build masks, which are now mandatory in public places in many cities in his native Texas. “You can call me Bobby B,” he says in the video above, adding that “it’s high time to catch this killer [coronavirus], ’cause we got more livin’ to do.” Is there a “WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE” poster for the coronavirus? You better believe it. McConaughey explained (kind of) where the idea for Bobby Bandito came from on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
“He’s gotta be a bandit to beat a bandit. He’s gotta be a little shady to beat this shady guy,” he said. “I was out hiking on our property and came across this guy nailin’ a Most Wanted sign into my tree. I said, ‘What are you doin’ on my property?’ He turned around and said, ‘I’m Bobby B. You never see me coming.’” McConaughey, who also recently hosted a virtual bingo game for senior citizens, then made a bandana mask with Colbert.

Finally, The Dark Tower sequel we were promised.