Hugh Jackman’s friendly feud with Ryan Reynolds goes back so long, the Logan star can barely remember how it started.
There have been a lot of shots fired over the years, after all, including Reynolds “sharing” Jackman’s phone number (“Call someone who’s isolated and might need connection… Hugh Jackman’s # is 1-555--HUGH”) and Jackman suggesting that people should pee on Reynolds’ Hollywood Walk of Fame star. When asked about the origin of the “online flame war,” as the Daily Beast put it, Jackman had to think hard.
“How did it start? It’s gone back so long now… God, this is a classic sign where your feud has gone too long, where you don’t even know why or how it started,” he said. “I met him back on [X-Men Origins: Wolverine], and I used to ream him because I was very close friends with Scarlett [Johansson], and Scarlett had just married Ryan, so when he came on set I was like, ‘Hey, you better be on your best behavior here, pal, because I’m watching,’ and we started ribbing each other that way, and then it all escalated with the Deadpool thing and him calling me out, and trying to manipulate me through social media to do what he wanted.” In case you somehow forgot, this is the “Deadpool thing.”

It’s still pretty funny.
Elsewhere in the interview, Jackman revealed that he was offered a role in director Tom Hopper’s box office dud Cats, which he wisely turned down (“I’m in the theater, man, and I don’t want to be in the business of bashing people…”), and he just learned what the term “swole” means. Reynolds is going to give him so much sh*t over that.
Here’s the trailer for Jackman’s new film, Bad Education.
(Via the Daily Beast)