Cardi B has emerged as an unexpected outspoken voice in politics. Early on in the election cycle, Cardi B endorsed Bernie Sanders and interviewed him about his policies on several occasions. She even recently gave him advice on the state of his nails while in quarantine. The rapper has also been vocal about the current pandemic. Following a viral remix of her social media coronavirus speech, Cardi has been offering her two cents about staying healthy during the pandemic, and the singer isn’t happy about Georgia lifting their temporary ban on non-essential businesses.
Georgia’s governor Brian Kemp announced Monday that he plans to reopen the state with some restrictions. While the state currently has over 18,000 confirmed cases, Governor Kemp said he plans to allow non-essential businesses like gyms, nail salons, barbershops, some restaurants, bowling alleys, and even movie theaters to resume operations as soon as Friday. Many criticized the governor’s decision, including Cardi B.
Commenting on an Instagram post about the state’s new policy, Cardi B issued a stern warning. “Don’t go around your parents or grandparents!” she wrote. “Once there sick and in the hospital wit covid you won’t be able to see how and what they are treating them with.” Cardi ended her cautionary message with a reminder of her priorities: “Health over capitalism.”

Read Cardi’s full message above.
Cardi B is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.