Although WWE has backed off from fully going back to a live broadcast schedule in the wake of being declared an essential business after a suspiciously timed pledge of political money, they’re still producing multiple weekly TV shows in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. There have been rumors that some people who work there are understandably unhappy with this situation. Recent news out of Orlando, where WWE is currently taping all their shows, seems to confirm that some employees are very concerned.
On Twitter, Orlando-based journalist Jon Alba posted a recording of a recording of Tuesday’s online Orange County Board of County Commissioners meeting, where a public comment was read into the record from a WWE employee calling himself John, who had this to say to the board:
My employer, World Wrestling Entertainment, aka WWE, is forcing me to work the TV tapings for its weekly shows despite the Stay At Home orders for Coronavirus. I am unable to speak out as I need this job, and I know I will be fired if I approach my higher-ups. Despite sanitary precautions, we cannot maintain social distancing and have to touch other people. I request the government to shut down these tapings and enforce the Stay At Home order so my colleagues and I can maintain social distancing rules with fear or repercussions of losing our jobs.
At Tuesday’s Orange County Board of County Commissioners meeting, a #WWE employee named “John” submitted public comment they’re being “forced to work” TV tapings despite stay at home orders. Says he’s unable to speak out and feels he will be fired if he approaches his higher-ups. pic.twitter.com/UJTvX1RGc7
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) April 21, 2020
As Alba acknowledges, it is impossible to confirm that this person definitely works for WWE, given their anonymity. If it is true, however, that anonymity is the only thing enabling “John” to keep his job while expressing this concern. Alba says that he has spoken to multiple WWE employees who expressed similar concerns about being made to work during the pandemic.
While there isn’t really way to verify this is 100% absolutely a #WWE employee given the nature of the complaint, it should be noted there have been several within the company who have expressed concern, many privately, over the tapings continuing.
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) April 21, 2020
Naturally a lot of wrestling fans are making half-joking guesses about which wrestler is actually “John,” but in truth it’s a lot more likely to be a non-wrestling employee. It takes a lot of people to put on a TV show even at the Performance Center, and a lot of those employees are required to get nearly as close to other people as the wrestlers do with each other.