The Matterhorn is a sight to behold all on its own, with its near-symmetrical pyramid peak jutting out from the earth. But when the village of Zermatt at the foot of the mountain projects flags from countries around the world onto its snowy slopes, the effect is breathtaking.
Since March 24th, light artist Gerry Hofstetter has illuminated the mountain side with flags in solidarity with countries that have been hit hard by the novel coronavirus, and the village has been sharing the stunning photos on Instagram.
The town’s tourism website states:
“With this light projection, Zermatt wants to give people a sign of hope and solidarity in these difficult times. The village shows solidarity with all the people who are currently suffering and is grateful to all those who are helping to overcome the crisis.”
“Our thoughts are with all the American people,” the village wrote on Instagram with a photo of the stars and stripes illuminating the mountainside.
India got a message of “hope and strength.”
Japan was sent “a sign of hope.”
In French, one of Switzerland’s four national languages, Zermatt wrote “Hello from the Matterhorn to the Eiffel Tower!”
The U.K. received a “sign of hope” as well.
Before the U.S. overtook it, Zermatt acknowledged that Italy had been hit the hardest by the virus.
Messages of hope and peace have also been projected onto the Matterhorn in recent weeks, as the whole world battles their way through this pandemic.
It’s been said that nothing unites people like a common enemy, and we now face one that knows no borders and attacks without prejudice. Let’s all encourage all nations to stand in solidarity, pool our knowledge and resources, collaborate on solutions, and present a united front to defeat this virus.
Thank you, Zermatt, for the beautiful reminder that we are truly all in this together.