Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for April 15, 2020. The show featured Kip Sabian versus Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara versus Darby Allin, Orange Cassidy versus Jimmy Havoc, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— The show opened with Cody in a Batcave-looking control room talking about all the wrestlers who have matches tonight, and then questioning his place among them. He said that critics of AEW will continue to move the goalposts, but he’s not worried about that.
.@DarbyAllin‘s moving on to the semis! Tremendous match to kick off #AEWDynamite! #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/42AvnJJApK
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) April 23, 2020
1. Darby Allin defeated Sammy Guevara to move on in the TNT Championship Tournament. Allin pinned Guevara in the Last Supper.
— Matt Hardy cut a promo on Chris Jericho from his compound. He started in his Broken “Damascus” persona, and then became regular Matt Hardy and cut a more normal promo as well.
2. Kenny Omega defeated Alan Angels. Omega pinned Angels after hitting a second V-Trigger.
— Scorpio Sky was the subject of a video package about his history and how close he came to leaving wrestling after a back injury and problems finding opportunities before he joined SCU.
— Cody listened to Dustin Rhodes’ voicemail about how he’ll retire if he doesn’t beat Kip Sabian.
.@orangecassidy is my hero. #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/FFSCgPvHOO
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) April 23, 2020
3. Orange Cassidy defeated Jimmy Havoc. Penelope Ford attempted to interfere, but Chuck Taylor tried to pull her off the apron. She went down into a split instead, and Kip Sabian jumped on Chuck and Trent. In the chaos, Cassidy managed to pin Havoc. Havoc and Kip Sabian attacked Cassidy after the match, but the Best Friends made the save.
— MJF appeared in front of his house, and said he would explain why he hasn’t been wrestling on AEW Dynamite. He acted like he was going to cry, and then announced that he’s suffering from a bad hangnail. The camera backed up to reveal his arm in a sling with a Burberry bandage around his little finger.
4. Wardlow defeated Lee Johnson. Wardlow pinned Johnson quickly after an Airplane Spin.
Mr. @ThisBrodieLee is giving you an opportunity. Make the most of it. #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/g81dfb1TOn
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) April 23, 2020
— An ex-football player was seen applying online to be in the Dark Order, and then the video cut to his interview with Mr. Brodie Lee. Brodie gave him a mask and welcomed him into the Dark Order.
5. Brodie Lee defeated Justin Law. Lee pinned Law after a Lariat. After the match, he got in Marko Stunt’s face
— In a backstage interview, the Best Friends challenge Kip Sabian and Jimmy Havoc to a tag team match.
— In a new edition of The Bubbly Bunch, Sammy Guevara was feeling down about the Inner Circle’s recent losses, but the rest of the group encouraged him to be positive. Jericho suggested that they dance to cheer up. Santana suggested the Flim Flam, and Jericho said that who ever did the best job would get a bottle of hand sanitizer as a prize. Then they all danced. Jericho was mad that Sammy clearly won the contest, calling him a show-off and throwing the hand sanitizer at the screen of his phone.
Leave it to Sammy to upstage @IAmJericho and the whole #BubblyBunch FlimFlam vids sesh… #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/XRYCJzBPvO
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) April 23, 2020
— Dustin Rhodes and Kip Sabian had a video package about their match and the TNT Championship.
6. Dustin Rhodes defeated Kip Sabian to move on in the TNT Championship Tournament and save his career. Rhodes pinned Sabian after a Code Red, after Sabian was distracted by Penelope Ford’s fight with Brandi Rhodes.