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‘Weekend Update’ Was All About Donald Trump’s Disinfectant Claims On ‘SNL At Home’

Donald Trump’s comments about injecting the body with disinfectants were not well received by pretty much anyone in America. But just because Alec Baldwin addressed them as Trump on Instagram didn’t mean SNL would skip the subject.

SNL At Home’s Weekend Update segment was heavy on Trump and jokes about his pondering about ultraviolet light and the healing power of Lysol as the show stepped up its production values for its signature segment. Colin Jost and Michael Che appeared with the show’s traditional globe background behind them, likely aided by green screen. With no audience — or an audience listening in via Zoom like last time — things were a bit different. But the jokes were to be expected given the reaction folks had to some terrible medical advice.

Jost hit on Trump’s comments as well as protests from some small segments of the population that want the country reopened. He also made sure Fox News got some ire, too: “Fun fact if an American flag and a diaper are struck by lightning they become a Sean Hannity.”

Weekend Update also had Pete Davidson appear to riff on a coronavirus pamphlet for a bit.

The segment wrapped up with another blind joke moment, with Jost paying Che back for something he made him say on the last episode of SNL At Home.

It’s all a setup for a charity initiative, which is nice, but it probably means more questionable jokes are on the horizon.