To celebrate the two-year anniversary of Avengers: Infinity War, and one year of Endgame, the films’ writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely took place in a “Quarantine Watch Party” (organized by where they shared behind-the-scenes information. There was Doctor Strange in the Iron Man suit, a very different role for Captain America, and the key to blockbuster filmmaking. Markus and McFeely, who penned the scripts for The First Avenger, The Winter Soldier, and Civil War, also revealed the character that made them want to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for Infinity War and Endgame.
In response to a Marvel fan calling Red Skull’s return “BRILLIANT, especially for a continuity sucker like me,” Markus wrote, “Bringing him back was the whole reason I agreed to do this movie. Well, that and all the other reasons. But to get a chance to bring back the bad guy from our first Marvel movie and use him in the wrap-up was too satisfying not to do.” He added that the return of Red Skull, who hadn’t been seen since The First Avenger (he was also played by a new actor, Ross Marquand, who replaced Hugo Weaving), was always in the script. “He got blasted to the end of the universe by the Tesseract in 1943,” Markus tweeted. “He’s been waiting for you ever since…”
If I’m blasted to the end of the universe, this is not the face I want to see waiting for me.
Bringing him back was the whole reason I agreed to do this movie. Well, that and all the other reasons. But to get a chance to bring back the bad guy from our first Marvel movie and use him in the wrap-up was too satisfying not to do. -CM #Infinitywar #QuarantineWatchParty
— (@ComicBook) April 27, 2020
Yes. He got blasted to the end of the universe by the Tesseract in 1943. He’s been waiting for you ever since… -CM #Infinitywar #QuarantineWatchParty
— (@ComicBook) April 27, 2020