With the Academy relaxing the eligibility qualifications for next year’s Academy Awards, there’s nothing in the rulebook that says a video of Jake Gyllenhaal doing a shirtless headstand can’t win Best Picture. Oh… there is? Well, it’s still a great video, and we have Tom Holland to thank for it. The Spider-Man: Far From Home actor challenged his co-star to the “heavy breathing” feat, which went viral for extremely obvious reasons. But as Gyllenhaal revealed on Tuesday’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, he was originally going to refuse Holland’s challenge, until Ryan Reynolds beat him to it:
“I think he beat us all with his [‘no’] response,” Gyllenhaal said of Reynolds. He was also going to refuse until Reynolds beat him to it, which forced him to crush the challenge while showing off his ripped lats.
Thank you for your service, Jake Gyllenhaal. After filming his video, he challenged his sister Maggie, Hugh Jackman, and 50 Cent (name a more iconic trio) to take part in the challenge — Maggie went through with it, but “Hugh Jackman and 50 Cent did not respond at all.” At least at first. Gyllenhaal eventually emailed Jackman, who replied:
“I said, ‘Come on, man.’ And he said, ‘I hope you’re well.’”
Now that the feud is over, Jackman and Reynolds are in cahoots against Gyllenhaal.