Harrison Ford is first and foremost a Hollywood legend, but he’s also famously unlucky with aircrafts. He’s walked away from a helicopter crash, been forced to land a plane on a golf course, and mistakenly landed on the wrong taxiway. Now, according to CNN, the actor is being investigated over yet another incident.
Last Friday, April 24, Ford, while piloting a plane in Los Angeles, crossed a runway where another aircraft was landing. The Federal Aviation Association is looking into the incident, but one of Ford’s representatives claims it was an innocent mistake.
“Mr. Ford crossed the airport’s only runway in his aircraft after he misheard a radio instruction from ATC. He immediately acknowledged the mistake and apologized to ATC for the error,” Ford’s representative told CNN. “The purpose of the flight was to maintain currency and proficiency in the aircraft. No one was injured and there was never any danger of a collision.”
Ford’s first major brush with aircraft infamy was in 1999, when he was forced to make an emergency landing while piloting a helicopter, which ended with the aircraft landing hard on gravel, hitting a tree, and flipping it on its side. Neither Ford nor his instructor suffered any injuries, and the former lived to joke about it on Inside the Actor’s Studio. In 2015 he landed a plane on a Venice, California golf course after it experienced engine failure, and two years later he accidentally landed on the taxiway of a Santa Ana airport. Now this.
(Via CNN)