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Eminem’s Home Intruder Apparently Tried To Break Into The Rapper’s Old Home Too

Matthew David Hughes has been stalking Eminem for a long time. The man who was arrested after breaking into Eminem’s home near Detroit last week reportedly has a history of trespassing, according to TMZ. Hughes was arrested in June 2019 for trespassing on two properties — one owned by Eminem — as he pursued the goal of meeting his hero.

According to TMZ, Hughes’ M.O. for his breaking-and-entering ways remained consistent in the previous incidents as well — particularly the “breaking” part. He allegedly threw a rock through a front window at a house in Rochester Hills, MI at 2am, waking up the homeowner. Hughes left before deputies arrived, but the homeowner told them he returned later, saying he was “looking for his brother Marshall.” He then moved on to another property, this one in Oakland Township, which was previously owned by Eminem.

At this house, he apparently climbed a fence and wandered the property at around 4:30am, ringing the doorbell and asking where Eminem was. When he was informed that Em no longer lived there, he hid under a bed on the second floor of the gatehouse, where police found him when they arrived. Hughes was arrested, charged with malicious destruction of property and breaking-and-entering, and sentenced to 90 days in jail. He also failed to pay the fine of around $1,400 by deadline, so an arrest warrant was issued.

He was arrested again on Thursday last week when he threw a rock through Eminem’s kitchen window, waking the rapper and alerting sleeping security guards. His motive was apparently only to meet the rapper, who incidentally wrote the song “Stan” about a delusional fan over 20 years ago and coined the term that would come to be associated with overly passionate fans everywhere.

Watch the video for “Stan” above.