In season 2, episode 11 of The Sopranos (aka episode 211) everyone is trapped. Junior is trapped in house arrest, trapped in his old body, and trapped in the garbage disposal. Dr. Melfi is trapped treating Tony and trapped in a spiral of alcoholism. Tony is trapped with Richie Aprile in his family and in being the boss. It’s both probably the most Scorsese episode and the first episode where Dr. Melfi’s storyline is one of the better ones. Dr. Melfi’s son, the intellectual Napoleon Dynamite, even makes a brief appearance, in a scene that is an absolute masterpiece of classic Sopranos comedy, where every character is uniquely terrible.
Joining us this week is Twitter-lebrity (*dodges tomato*) and huge Soprano-head Bobby Bigwheel, helping us talk through all your favorite Pod Yourself A Gun segments, from Bada B Stories, Da Real Gangsta, It’s The 90s, Malapropism Corner, and Gabba Va Vongool. We also answer your listener voicemails.
As always, your Pod Yourself A Gun hosts are Matt Lieb from Newsbroke and me, Vince Mancini. You can leave us an email at [email protected] or a voicemail at 415 275 0030. Don’t forget to leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. We hope you love every minute of it, and until next week, don’t stop believin’.