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WWE Money In The Bank 2020: Complete Card, Analysis, Predictions

WWE Money in the Bank 2020 airs this Sunday, March 10, live on WWE Network. WWE Superstars will try to Climb The Corporate Ladder™ and win one of two concurrent Money in the Bank ladder matches happening at WWE Headquarters, involving them starting at the ground floor and fighting through an office building before going up on the roof and, purportedly, falling off. Here’s the complete card as of publication.

WWE Money In The Bank 2020 card:

**note: these two matches are happening simultaneously**
1A. Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Aleister Black vs. King Corbin vs. Otis vs. AJ Styles
1B. Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Nia Jax vs. Dana Brooke vs. Lacey Evans vs. Carmella

2. Universal Championship Match: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt
3. WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins
4. Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs. Tamina
5. Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) vs. Forgotten Sons vs. The Miz and John Morrison vs. Lucha House Party

As always, we’ve got your complete rundown of the card and analysis below, featuring predictions for all six-ish matches. Make sure to drop a comment and let us know who you think’s winning, and be here on Sunday night to see if you’re correct.

Here’s what we think will go down inside WWE Headquarters at Money in the Bank.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) vs. Forgotten Sons vs. The Miz and John Morrison vs. Lucha House Party

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What You Need To Know: New Day was challenged by their top three challengers on Smackdown. Okay, their top challenger (Miz and Morrison) and two teams who are barely even on the show. But we’re in the “Brendan Vink winning matches on Raw” stage of this apocalypse, so I’ll allow it. New Day got pinned by the Forgotten Sons in a non-title match, which somehow set up everybody getting a title shot. I don’t know. These are a bunch of people willing to come to work during a pandemic.

What Will Happen: How much does Fox want a group of freedom-loving Marines to be Tag Team Champions? Two Marines and a real live cowboy, even! I could a thousand percent see the Sons getting the upset win, but there’s honestly no reason for New Day to drop the titles. If I’m WWE, I’m keeping title changes in an empty gym to a minimum. Save that kind of stuff for when people are around to react to it. Jaxson Ryker leading a team to championship victory on pay-per-view in front of zero fans is too seven-years-ago Impact Wrestling for me to handle.

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – The New Day retains. There’s no reason to pass it right back to Miz and Morrison so soon, the Forgotten Sons aren’t ready, and Lucha House Party just isn’t going to happen as talented as those guys are. So New Day it is.

Emily Pratt – There would be no more fitting tag team champions for the no-fans era of the Fox era of Smackdown than the Forgotten Sons, whose individual names I have never been able to remember for more than fifteen minutes at a time. As for the quality of the match, I think the presence of Lucha House Party should cancel out the Sons, and overall it should be alright.

Scott Heisel – Trading the Usos for the Forgotten Sons is like trading a Ken Griffey Jr. rookie card for the Forgotten Sons. Miz and Morrison re-gain the titles after making the Sons do their dirty work — just like any good member of the upper class, they’re pitting the lower classes against each other so they can reap the benefits. Hey hey, ho ho?

Raj Prashad – It doesn’t seem out of this realm for the Forgotten Sons to earn the tag titles here, but sticking with my guns and picking the New Day to retain.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs. Tamina

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What You Need To Know: Bayley and Sasha Banks pointed out in a (later edited) promo that Tamina sucks and barely even wrestles anymore. That reminded WWE that Tamina exists, so we got a WrestleMania title match build where she’s suddenly unstoppable and everybody’s afraid of her. She got eliminated from the WrestleMania match almost immediately, and began a singles pay-per-view title build. Her finisher is a superkick she can barely get higher than her waist. It’s not a good situation.

What Will Happen: Are they really going to put the title on Tamina? Really? The only story beat that makes sense, at least in my head as I’m typing this, is Sasha Banks costing Bayley the championship, seeing how often they’ve gone to the “Sasha’s mad about still being friends with Bayley and it’s costing her matches” well on Smackdown. Maybe Sasha TRIES to cost Bayley the match, Bayley survives (probably by disqualification), and we quickly and calmly move into another Bayley vs. Sasha feud? Just keep the championship on the person who doesn’t look like they could hyperventilate at any moment.

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – Sometimes in WWE, you get things just because of how long you’ve been around, regardless of whether you’ve ever been good. That was enough to get Tamina this PPV title shot, but I don’t think it gets her the title. Bayley retains.

Emily Pratt – I feel like the reaction to this match could end up being, “Huh, that was a surprisingly good Tamina match” because Bayley is pretty great and can bring the best out of her opponents. Because of that and the future Bayley vs. Sasha feud I might be hallucinating on the horizon, I’d say Bayley retains here.

Scott Heisel – Fuck it. Tamina.

Raj Prashad – This is another one that seems pretty clear for the champ to retain. Normally it would feel like the match a cash-in could happen, but if things are split between the Performance Center and WWE HQ, I guess I’ll go with Bayley to keep the belt.

WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins

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What You Need To Know: Seth Rollins is Jesus. Drew McIntyre can kick Jesus’ ass.

What Will Happen: Unless we’ve entered a truly nihilistic era from which there is no escape, Rollins gets flipped (for real) by 1-5 Claymore Kicks and McIntyre retains. The world does not need another Seth Rollins title run right now, and, perhaps more importantly, Drew McIntyre doesn’t deserve to have the entirety of his WWE Championship run happen in an otherwise empty gym. The man’s got to get love from the WWE Universe at some point, doesn’t he? Are we so evil that we won’t let him stand on the turnbuckles and pose with the championship at least once while everyone chants “you deserve it?”

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – I feel like Drew really ought to win here. He’s still establishing himself as a main event star, and doing a pretty great job at it, all things considered. But I do worry that the recent low ratings might push WWE’s booking in a “new things aren’t working, let’s go back to things we’ve done before” direction, which would mean heel WWE Champion Seth Rollins. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still predicting Drew McIntyre to retain, I’m just eyeing the whole thing a bit nervously.

Emily Pratt – These are two guys who have not done it for me at all in the no-audience era, and I doubt this match will be the exception. It will probably be as good as it can be in bleak silence, and McIntyre will retain. WWE invested so much in getting him to this point that it would be weird to move him down the card now.

Scott Heisel – I can’t fathom a situation in which this match ends decisively. Rollins is coming off a WrestleMania loss and needs to be rebuilt, whereas McIntyre is desperately in need of a strong title defense that doesn’t involve the Big Show in the year of our lord 2020. (No offense, Show.) Neither man can afford to lose, so expect a whole bunch of interference that eventually gets the match thrown out and a rematch booked at Extreme Rules in July. (Can you fit a Hell In A Cell inside the Performance Center? Maybe we’ll get to find out!)

Raj Prashad – So Rollins loses at Mania, then drops the champ with two stomps and earns a title shot? I can’t imagine Rollins wins the belt here, so I’m going with McIntyre to keep his reign going.

Universal Championship Match: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

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What You Need To Know: Braun and Bray are back to back, Thursday nights on NBC.

What You Actually Need To Know: Braun Strowman used to be Bray Wyatt’s henchman in the Wyatt Family. Everyone went their separate ways — Luke Harper went to AEW, Wyatt turned into a haunted children’s show host that transmogrifies into a sadistic shadow clown, Strowman won a championship with a 10-year old and flipped an ambulance, and Rowan bought an animatronic tarantula off Amazon and ran home crying when it got broken — but now that Strowman is Universal Champion, Wyatt’s like, “hey big man let me hold a dollar.”

What Will Happen: I either want to see (1) Bray Wyatt regain control over Strowman and use him as a championship-caliber puppet, because The Unstoppable Fiend’s really only problematic if it’s holding a championship and Strowman’s got the personality of a kumquat, (2) a Firefly Fun House match that chronicles Strowman’s development from “cursed hillbilly” to “unlikable hillbilly,” or (3) Wyatt winning with a re-do of the spooky children’s choir bit from his John Cena feud, only with da legend Nicholas Cone as the lead sheep.

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – If it seemed like Roman Reigns was just about to come back, I might expect them to put the belt on Bray just so he could drop it to Roman and put us back where we expected to be (what seems like) ages ago. But considering the pandemic is still ongoing, we have no idea when Roman will return, and WWE is editing him out of recaps and refusing to say his name, I’m guessing Braun retains.

Emily Pratt – The weirder and more supernatural this match gets, the better. Even if it’s bad, I’d rather watch bad spooky stuff and talk about that with people than a match like Braun vs. Goldberg. I’ll predict Wyatt gets his belt back because the character who has worked best in pre-recorded segments seems like the best one to have as the face of Smackdown right now. Also, though I don’t think someone from Smackdown is winning the men’s MITB match, I love the idea of hearing people say “cash in on The Fiend,” and of someone actually attempting to cash in on The Fiend.

Scott Heisel – If Braun loses to non-Fiend Bray, he’s the ultimate paper champ and will be nerfed forever — unless they go the route of ~MIND GAEMZ~, in which Bray brainwashes (Bray-nwashes?) Braun to rejoin his flock, surrendering the title in the process. That would be interesting, at least, which means it probably won’t happen. Powerslam, powerslam, powerslam, 1-2-3, Braun retains.

Raj Prashad – If Strowman is defending against normal Wyatt, this one seems pretty cut and dry, unless we get an unexpected appearance by The Fiend and all Hell breaks loose. If it’s a straight up 1v1, I’m going with Strowman.

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Nia Jax vs. Dana Brooke vs. Lacey Evans vs. Carmella

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What You Need To Know: As mentioned earlier, this year’s Money in the Bank matches are happening at the same time and will take place at WWE Headquarters, with the bouts starting on the ground floor and working their way up to the roof, where there’s a full set, a bunch of ladders, and a pair of hanging briefcases. It’s the dream of any 6-year old’s action figure wresting promotion.

On the women’s side, Raw is contributing two legitimate bad-asses and Nia Jax, while Smackdown’s contributing three increasingly nonthreatening blondes.

What Will Happen: Shayna Baszler seems like a lay-up here, but honestly? I think it’s going to be Lacey Evans. Lacey’s had a non-stop stream of title opportunities across both brands, and it would be extremely Smackdown to see Bayley and Sasha Banks get into a blood feud over the Smackdown Women’s Championship and heel each other to death only for Lacey goddamn Evans to sass in and punch them in their faces. Going Lacey, with “oh no, Nia Jax” as a dark horse.

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – I can’t imagine anyone winning the Women’s MITB Briefcase but Shayna Baszler. Even though she didn’t get the win at WrestleMania, they still seem to be building her up, and she’ll do a great job of carrying that briefcase around and holding it over Becky’s head. She’s inevitable.

Emily Pratt – It looks like the Shayna vs. Becky feud is continuing some way or another and she had the most convoluted entrance into this match, so I’ll say Shayna win MITB. Maybe she’ll do it by choking someone on the ladder! That could be fun.

Scott Heisel – I’m all in on this gimmick match — anything to break up the monotony of wrestling in an empty gymnasium, really. And frankly, the fact that all 12 competitors will be fighting at the same time makes it much harder for me to pick winners, mainly because I’m hoping we see some new intergender alliances form. Tell me you wouldn’t be stoked if AJ Styles and Shayna Baszler teamed up, or Aleister Black and Asuka came together for the ultimate Strike Force reboot. Shayna seems like the obvious winner for the women’s side, since her program with Becky Lynch doesn’t seem finished yet. The only other option is Lacey Evans, which she can use to call out Bayley at SummerSlam like a Real American Hero would or whatever. (Part of me hopes Sasha Banks helicopters in at the last second and steals the briefcase, too.) But if the men’s briefcase is going to Smackdown, I say this one’s going to Raw, so Shayna it is.

Raj Prashad – Despite dropping her shot at WWE gold at WrestleMania, I’ve got Baszler brutalizing her competition en route to winning the Women’s Money in the Bank match.

Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Aleister Black vs. King Corbin vs. Otis vs. AJ Styles

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What You Need To Know: Daniel Bryan wants to win Money in the Bank to show that he’s still passionate about making his dreams fight for him. Rey Mysterio is terrified of falling off the building. Aleister Black wants to win Money in the Bank so he can draw the Grim Reaper all over the briefcase. King Corbin feels entitled to the briefcase and wants to right the wrongs of his previous, awful cash-in attempt. Otis should not be at the top of a ladder on the roof of a building. AJ Styles, who is a ghost, wants to win Money in the Bank so he can something something phenomenal. Also, presumably as protection against anyone else murdering his friends, throwing him in a hole, and covering him with dirt.

What Will Happen: Somebody’s going off the side of the building, and since it can’t be the Big Show — shout-out to Halloween Havoc 1995 — I think it’ll be Styles. Styles was killed for real at WrestleMania and came back all, “so what, I got buried, big deal.” I want him to get launched off the side of the tower to his death, only to show up a week before the next pay-per-view like, “so what, I got thrown off a building and hit the pavement and my body exploded, who cares.” Until quarantine’s over, they should kill him at every major show in increasingly ridiculous ways, like he’s Kenny from South Park. None of this is canon, anyway.

Also King Corbin will win, because they hate us.

Staff Picks

Elle Collins – I’d love to see Aleister Black with the MITB Briefcase, and I don’t think that’s entirely out of the question. It would just require WWE to be a little more daring than they’ve been with MITB winners lately. So with that in mind, I feel like AJ Styles is the most likely winner.

Emily Pratt – When they get to WWE HQ, the wrestlers notice a layer of dust on everyone’s desk and realize that WWE’s actual employees have been working from home for weeks and not touching each other in speedos during a pandemic. This leads to another revelation that there would be more benefit in the WWE roster organizing and fighting for their rights as workers than fighting each other during a pandemic – not just for the safety of the wrestlers themselves, but for that of their families and communities. Everyone walks out on the match except for AJ Styles, who decides to be a scab, take the elevator to the roof, and unhook the briefcase to become Mr. Phenomenal In The Bank or whatever.

Scott Heisel – Picking a male winner is tough because of who the current champions are: AJ Styles is probably next in line for a main event feud with Drew McIntyre anyway, briefcase or no briefcase, and I don’t see Aleister Black carrying a briefcase around (nor does Rey Mysterio seem like the sneaky cash-in type). On the Smackdown side of things, my beloved beef boy Otis is a non-entity in this match, and Daniel Bryan doesn’t need a briefcase for anything, so I guess that leaves King Corbin, ugh. Well, I guess I’ll be looking forward to him losing a second Money In The Bank cash-in later this year.

Raj Prashad – Styles seems like the pick to add to his illustrious WWE career, but I’m going with Aleister Black, who would benefit the most from taking home the briefcase. He seems primed to take the next step and earning a future title would go a long way in helping him reach that phase in his career.

So there you have it. That’s what we think will happen at the Elimination Chamber. Agree? Disagree? You know what to do. Drop down into the comments and let us know, and then make sure you’re here on Sunday night to find out if Otis falls off Titan Tower, builds up speed, and hits the ground like a meteor, destroying the foundation of the building and killing everyone. It should be a fun time!

Oh, and since it’s not this year’s theme song, here’s what the build for the event’s been missing:

See you this Sunday!