Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for May 6, 2020. The show featured the return of Nyla Rose, a Tag Team Street Fight, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— The AEW Dynamite announce desk was reunited, with Excalibur and Jim Ross rejoining Tony Schiavone.
1. Cody Rhodes defeated Joey Janela. The Crossroads got the pin.
— Tony Schiavone interviewed Nyla Rose, who yelled him about how she’s the most dominant force in the AEW Women’s Division and always will be.
2. Nyla Rose defeated Kenzie Paige. Rose pinned Paige after a gratuitous number of Beast Bombs.
— MJF cut a promo from a minimalist penthouse, announcing that he’s injury free and will be back in the ring next week.
— Shawn Spears cut a backstage promo blaming Cody for how badly Lance Archer hurt Dustin Rhodes, arguing that Cody should have thrown in the towel.
— Spears and MJF were at ringside with Tony Schiavone, putting each other over. Schiavone revealed that MJF is facing Jungle Boy at Double Or Nothing, to MJF’s dismay.
3. Jon Moxley defeated Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian has hair now, but the new look didn’t keep him from getting pinned after a Paradigm Shift.
Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for May 6, 2020. The show featured the return of AEW Women’s Champion Nyla Rose, a Tag Team Street Fight in the main event, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— After the match, a bunch of Dark Order goons attacked Moxley. SCU joined in to help Moxley, but they all got taken down by the masked men. Then Brodie Lee came out in a suit, and hit Christopher Daniels with a chair. While a beaten Moxley laid in the ring, Brodie stood over him and cut a promo challenging him for the AEW World Championship. Moxley pulled together enough to accept, saying “All you had to do was ask.” Then the goons beat him some more, while Brodie Lee left with the title belt.
— Sitting at a desk, Brandi Rhodes cut a promo on Jake the Snake, warning him that he doesn’t know her and needs to keep her name out of his “dirty old mouth.”
4. Lance Archer (with Jake Roberts) defeated QT Marshall (with Brandi Rhodes). During the match, Doctor Britt Baker hit QT Marshall with her shoe, so Brandi Rhodes grabbed the show and threw it way up into the stands. Archer demolished Marshall with the EBD claw before pinning him.
— After the match, Britt attacked Brandi at ringside, knocking her out with a DDT. Then Lance Archer dragged her into the ring, and Jake Roberts menaced her with a live snake.
— Backstage, Taz attempted to interview Darby Allin about his loss last week, but Darby refused to talk, pushing the mic away and leaving.
5. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara defeated Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy in a Tag Team Street Fight. Matt Hardy switched personas multiple times during the match, which spilled out of Daily’s Place. At one point he and Kenny ran down Sammy Guevara with a golf cart, and then Kenny did a moonsault off of a scissor lift. Chris Jericho Powerbombed Omega on top of the golf cart, then Jake Hager choked him out, before Jericho hit the Judas Effect and pinned him.