Pete Davidson is The King of Staten Island, but he wants people to stop visiting his mom’s house in New York’s forgotten borough. Or at least stop bringing her drugs.
The SNL star, who is spending his quarantine in his mom’s basement (“it’s not just” — bloggers), told a story on Thursday’s The Tonight Show about an unexpected visitor he and his mom received. “Me and Judd released this video to try and get it out there that the movie’s coming out, and I mentioned that I wasn’t doing drugs, that I was trying not to,” Davidson said. “And then, literally three hours later, a lady rang my doorbell with a full bag of weed and gave it to my mom and said, ‘I heard your son needs this.’” It was a nice gesture (and a “couple weeks’ worth” of pot), but Davidson didn’t keep the delivery.
Fellow guest Judd Apatow joked that Davidson, who said he will “sell” any future drop-offs, is a “drug dealer now,” but Jimmy Fallon is taking Davidson’s sobriety seriously. “He’s trying, folks, he’s trying! Do not give him drugs,” the host said, before adding, “Oh, my heavens. I love that. Three hours, that’s not bad, dude.” It will surprise no one from the northeast to learn that the weed lady came from Bayonne, the Staten Island of New Jersey.
Watch the interview above. The King of Staten Island comes out on June 12.