With Double or Nothing coming up on May 23, All Elite Wrestling set up several new matches for the pay-per-view on last night’s episode of Dynamite. Nyla Rose and Hikaru Shida will have a No DQ match for the AEW Women’s Championship, Britt Baker and Kris Statlander will go one-on-one, and the pre-show will have a number one contender’s match between Private Party and Best Friends. Chris Jericho also challenged The Elite to a new kind of match created by the Inner Circle: the Stadium Stampede.
What exactly a Stadium Stampede match is and who will wrestle this one hasn’t been officially announced yet, but Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter broke the planned lineup for the Elite team. The Inner Circle (Jericho, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana, and Ortiz) will take on Kenny Omega, Matt Hardy, Hangman Page, and The Young Bucks. That is the regular full Elite lineup minus Cody (plus Hardy), but it’s notable as Page and the Jackson brothers’ first AEW appearance since March.
Page and the Bucks, along with some other AEW wrestlers, stopped traveling to Dynamite when the show moved out of Daily’s Place and started taping in Georgia, and haven’t returned to the program since it started airing live again, now as an “essential” business in Florida. The Young Bucks continued to wrestle during this period, however, recording matches for Being the Elite at “the BTE Compound” in California, include a Falls Count Anywhere match against each other and a nine-person “Under the Limit Battle Royal.”