Within minutes of Zack Snyder dropping the bombshell announcement that HBO Max will “Release The Snyder Cut” of Justice League next year, Suicide Squad fans immediately fired up the “Release The Ayer Cut” hashtag, and they’re already seeing some surprising results.
While quote-tweeting director David Ayer‘s hope that the streaming service will also allow him to deliver his original cut of the villainous team-up film, one Twitter user got an unexpected reply from AT&T, which is notable considering the telecommunication company owns Warner Bros., HBO Max, and DC Comics. So if there’s anyone could easily make the Ayer Cut happen, it’s the massive conglomerate.
One thing at a time.
— AT&T (@ATT) May 21, 2020
One tweet might just be some friendly fan service, but the HBO parent company dipped back for more and certainly seems to have no qualms fanning the flames of #ReleaseTheAyerCut.
Goodness! Can’t a person enjoy a good book and a cup of tea without being asked questions?
— AT&T (@ATT) May 21, 2020
Anything is possible. All it takes is a little magic.
— AT&T (@ATT) May 22, 2020
Like most creatives trapped at home during the pandemic, Ayer has been a prominent figure on Twitter lately, and he’s been very open with fans about his original plans for Suicide Squad and how the final product deviated significantly from his vision. He’s particularly unhappy with how little of Jared Leto’s Joker appeared in the film, and the director claims to have hours of footage that is just collecting dust. Whether Leto’s role was diminished because of his, uh, unusual method acting stunts that reportedly included mailing his co-stars used condoms — which he later denied — is still unknown. But Ayer isn’t shy about pointing the finger at the studio for the way it handled Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. Via CBR:
Along with this footage, Ayer has also mentioned that the film’s scattered narrative would have belonged much more to Harley Quinn in his cut. On a lamentful Instagram reflection about his time working on Suicide Squad, Ayer writes, “In many ways, it was her movie, her escaping her relationship with Joker was the major emotional through line.” Later on Twitter, Ayer claims her story arc was “eviscerated” and that it “was her movie in many ways.”
While an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad seeing the light of day might’ve seemed like a pipe dream not even 48 hours ago, “Release the Snyder Cut” has undoubtedly turned the tide, and with someone at AT&T clearly leaning into the possibility, it couldn’t be a better time to be a fan of the DC Extended Universe films.
(Via AT&T)