Since life in quarantine is starting to feel like some sort of surreal science fiction movie, it’s time to let our brains run wild a little. Explore the furthest reaches of our minds. Or maybe just think about what we’d do if we were lucky enough to meet our one celebrity crush. (Let’s keep it PGish by limiting this to things we could do so while observing proper social distancing.)
Would we gush? Quote a favorite movie line or song lyric? Try to act casual and start some small talk? Or would we give a gift? Something to say, “Thanks for the music or TV or films or self-punishing performance art.”
If so, what would the gift be? You can’t go wrong with whiskey, right? But which one? To answer that question, we reached out to a handful of our favorite bartenders to find out their whiskeys of choice for giving hypothetical celebrity crushes who also hypothetically love the brown stuff.
Eagle Rare 17 Year-Old Bourbon
Matt Shields, bartender at The Bay Restaurant in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
This is a tough one to start out with but, I think Eagle Rare 17 is a whiskey that any enthusiast/ crush of mine would be delighted to receive as a gift. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated. All you need is one bottle, two glasses.
Ardbeg Uigeadail Scotch
Jessi Lorraine, bartender at Elda in San Francisco
Pretty much any whisk(e)y will do. But my go-to would be Ardbeg Uigeadail. Something about the way Uigadail combines peat and sherry makes me nostalgic for campfires, card games, and great times with great people.
Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Bourbon
Amanda Carto, bartender at Nickel City in Austin, Texas
I’ve always been partial to Maker’s Mark Cask Strength bourbon. It’s a wheated bourbon with a high corn ratio in their mash bill, which carries through in its taste and in the smooth finish. It’s a great sipping bourbon neat or on the rocks, and holds up well in a cocktail without being overshadowed.
Wild Turkey Master’s Keep Bourbon
Blake Jones, bartender and director of beverage at The Kennedy in Pensacola, Florida
If I had to pick, I would probably pick something from Wild Turkey. Probably either the Master’s Keep or perhaps a Private Barrel of Russell’s Reserve. Something about this brand just speaks love to me. Seeing the passion the brand has for making whiskey is inspiring and I think it makes a great gift to someone I care about.
Kings County Distillery & Brooklyn Grange Honey Whiskey
Gabriela Dimovska, general manager at V DTLA in Los Angeles
I would gift her (because we all know my Queen B crush surpasses all of my other celebrity crushes in life) a bottle of Kings County Distillery & Brooklyn Grange Honey Whiskey, because we also all know where honey comes from.
Smooth Ambler Contradiction. In addition to one of the coolest labels around, what you get inside the bottle is so different and divine. It’s a blend of multiple bourbons that all age nicely together. The combination of sweet wheat and spicy rye make for something so different and delicious that you don’t get to try all that often.
Oban Distillers Edition Single Malt Scotch
Freddy Concepcion Ucan Tuz, bartender at JW Marriot in Cancun, Mexico
Oban’s Distillers Edition Single Malt. Because it is a whisky that is finished in a Sherry fino cask, which gives it a soft, luscious and full-bodied feel with hints of fresh honey and florals. A spectacular whisky with great price value.
Talisker 10 Year. It’s an outstanding classic, bold, smoky with a maritime character. If she enjoys this, the crush is justified, if not time to look for another.
I’d send Jhene Aiko this Single Barrel Hudson Four Grain Bourbon bottle that I’ve been stashing away since I found it upstate a couple of months back. It’s from our 2017 Single Barrel releases, which is the same year that her album ‘Trip’ came out, which happens to be one of my favorite albums of hers. Jhene, if you somehow happen upon this interview, just know my offer stands.
And now, the Best and Worst of WWE NXT for May 6, 2020.
Worst: Johnny Get Angry, Johnny Get Mad
First things first, rest in peace ‘Rebel Heart.’ As a remix you were the last, lingering piece of Do It Two Guys and whether I liked you as a song or not, I’ll miss you sentimentally.
So yeah, Johnny Gargano is a bad guy now. How can you tell? Well, he’s got a new evil entrance theme that sounds like the end credits of an anime you don’t watch. He also has Candice LeRae wander out and help him cheat, as if the guy we made fun of for being so impossible to pin you could drive a full-sized artillery tank over him and he’d kick out at two needs his wife’s help avoiding his opponent’s offense. It’s not that it’s bad, necessarily, it’s just played out. Every aspect of it is so tired Bobby Lashley might as well be flipping it, and I don’t know who made the call to turn the “Heart and Soul of NXT” into Jimmy Garvin without the personality.
The match itself is fine, but Dijakovic’s nowhere near as good against little guys as he is against Keith Lee-sized gentlemen. Or, you know, Keith Lee. Take, for example, the moment when Gargano tries to powerbomb him off the ropes. Gargano’s supposed to flip over and try the powerbomb, and Dijak’s supposed to do a backflip. Instead, Gargano flips, tries the powerbomb, lands on his butt, and there’s enough time to register that something went wrong between that and Dijak backflipping. It’s like he just decided to backflip. The announce team yells wooOOOOOW like he did something cool, when all he really did was hurt himself like a total dumbass. Dijak needs Keith to survive, and Johnny needs a story to tell more complex than being the bite-size Stunning Steve Austin.
Best: This Week In The Largely Unnecessary Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament
Akira Tozawa could get pinned by a stiff breeze on Monday nights, but on Wednesday he will kick your ass. AH! AH! AH! He defeats Living Flash Art Jack Gallagher in our first match of the week in the If Jordan Devlin Wanted To Stay Cruiserweight Champion He Should’ve Stayed In America Where We’re Handling The Pandemic Terribly Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title Tournament. Tozawa shouldn’t be the go-to guy for embarrassing losses on Monday nights, whether he’s actively in the middle of an important title tournament on your “third brand” or not.
My favorite match of the week was KUSHIDA vs. Jake Atlas. It didn’t last long at only about three minutes, but they made use of every second they had in there. Jake Atlas is the jam. That backflip into the neckbreaker didn’t hit clean this time, but it’s a show-stopper.
One of the things I like about KUSHIDA is that his in-ring storytelling is very reactionary. It’s build on case and effect. Maybe that’s the New Japan in him, but if he’s doing something in the ring, it’s because of something else. For example, Atlas surprises him with that spinning arm-drag out of the corner, so the next time he tries some extraneous cruiserweight nonsense like a handstand feint, KUSHIDA wises up and kicks him in the goddamn armpit. He follows that up with a dive from the top rope to the floor that’s more utilitarian than showy; well, as “utilitarian” as a somersault in a professional wrestling match can be. KUSHIDA has his own taunts and affectations, sure, but he’s mostly in there to watch you wrestle, learn your weaknesses, and then kick your ass. You are a stupid idiot if you go springboarding at him with your limbs akimbo.
Worst: The Worst Brand Since Josh Brolin In The Goonies
Two notes:
Who decided the Xia Li vs. Aliyah feud should keep going, and why do they hate us so much?
I like Chelsea Green. I think she’s good. But can we please, for the love of God, give her a finisher she can do? Previous Unprettier attempts have seen her do it upside down and yank her opponents arms in the wrong direction, and this week’s is so edited you’d think her finisher was the “Liam Neeson Climbing A Fence In Taken 3.”
The thing you’ll be talking about from this week’s episode is the debut of Killer Kross, now “Karrion” Kross, and Scarlett née Bordeaux finally realizing her Impact Wrestling character’s true destiny as a hypersexual chaos demon. Also I think Karrion Kross is a bird that transforms into a human? That’s the vibe I got from his entrance, anyway. Maybe he’s going for a Randall Flagg thing where he can turn into a crow?
Anyway, this entrance is some big time shit, from the Wizard of Oz-style black and white to sepia tone color shift, Scarlett’s ridiculously wonderful melodramatic lip syncing, and the ramp smoke mixing with the video smoke to make it look like he’s entering out of a big smoke tunnel. I also enjoyed Scarlett flipping out and crawling around in the smoke like some kind of Femme Bálor. You know an entrance is good when the first time you see it you think, “I want to see the WrestleMania version of that in a stadium in front of 80,000 people.” Not to be confused with the WrestleMania 36 version, which is in an abandoned Anytime Fitness in front of Byron Saxton.
How will Leon Ruff defeat Karrion Kross? I haven’t the foggiest!
Dissatisfied Drake at The Fiend’s red lights, satisfied Drake at a smokey ring that makes you look like you’re suplexing dudes onto a spooky moor. My only complaint is that his submission finisher is called the “Kross Jacket,” which makes even less sense when you realize “Krossface” and “Kross Armbreaker” were both right there.
Bad Moonsault defends the NXT Women’s Championship against Best Moonsault this week, and … well, I can’t say it went as badly as it could’ve, but it played out like you were probably expecting. Charlotte takes a lot of Io’s offense covered up like she’s trying to not get hit with a water balloon — she’s not blocking in that picture either, as she sells it like she got kicked in the face — and then hits her with a stick for the disqualification. That brings out Rhea Ripley, and everyone watching goes oooooooh, they’re going to do a triple threat so Charlotte can lose the championship without getting pinned, aren’t they?
Maybe I’m being too pessimistic. Charlotte could’ve just tapped Io out clean or even worse, pinned her with that moonsault where her knees or the bottoms of her feet hit the mat first. Io saves some face by winning by DQ, an Io vs. Rhea Ripley feud could be something special, and maybe Charlotte’s lack of impact on the show’s ratings means they’re going to move on quickly and get back to giving wrestlers who aren’t already 40-time champion an opportunity. Best case scenario is that Charlotte pulls a Ronda Rousey by losing the belt back to Rhea Ripley in the triple threat via lucky roll-up, and spends the next year talking about how actually her opponents in that match sucked.
Finn Bálor Provides No Useful Information
Us: Hey Finn, who attacked you?
Finn: sometimes things are a work; sometimes they’re a shoot
Us: okay
Finn: some people get pushes and it’s a worked shoot
Us: …
Us: seriously who attacked you
Finn: that push you’re expecting is a squash
Finn: when you make your entrance that’s an entrance, but when the bell rings and you’re wrestling me you’re in a wrestling match against Finn Bálor
Us: so did you just not see them or what
Maybe he was too busy reading the “Glossary of professional wrestling terms” Wikipedia page to see how punched him in the back of the head and fucking vanished him from the building. He shows up after a Cameron Grimes squash of Raw and Smackdown Superstar Denzel DeJournette to buck up to Grimes about Grimes’ trash talking, and ends up pretty much stomping him in the throat. Grimes isn’t the guy who attacked him, though.
Hey if Finn doesn’t want to provide any clues and is totally fine now, maybe we should, I don’t know, ask about the MULTIPLE KIDNAPPINGS that’ve been happening in the parking lot? Have you guys even notified Raul Mendoza’s family yet?
Worst: This Awkward Title Match
With the accusations going around about the Velveteen Dream, true or not, this was a no-win situation for NXT from pretty much every angle. If Dream loses, the Internet takes that as confirmation that the accusations were true and believe he lost because of them, whether Cole retaining was always the plan or not. If Dream wins, the Internet either takes it as confirmation of the accusations anyway and blames WWE for being a garbage company, or the opposite, and it’s still a brutal comments section of a conversation. NXT’s spent a ton of time building up Dream’s obvious title win, but now it’s too obvious, so they won’t do it, whether they should or not. Plus there’s still no fans, so there can be no fan reaction, and if there were fans, would it even still be good? You’re basically circling the drain of human discourse and everything continues to be dumb and terrible.
So, for the benefit of you and your ability to read a column on a wrestling blog without having to feel horrible and choose sides and make decisions based on whichever tweet you read last, let’s just try talk about it as a wrestling match on the TV show.
Which is to say … well, it’s not very good, honestly. Dream’s lacked a spark in the ring since his return from injury, and even Adam Cole couldn’t bring it out of him. Plus, as mentioned, Dream’s act really only works when there are fans reacting to it. Otherwise he’s just a lanky dude doing bad looking wrestling moves. A horrible double axe-handle from the top rope that pops a crowd can be awesome. A horrible double axe-handle fro the top rope to dead silence except for Mauro going wwwooooOOOWWWWWW is completely out of context. Undisputed Era and Dream’s murderous friend Dexter Lumis showing up was fine, but expected. It’s all just very paint-by-numbers, which is probably all they could think to do given all the extracurricular bullshit.
Keith Lee for NXT Champion. Seriously. Let’s pivot already.
Best: Top 10 Comments Of The Week
The Real Birdman
Karrion Kross is what The Monday Night Messiah brings with him on an airplane
So Karrion Kross is the lead singer of a dive bar emo band who charges for selfies?
NXT Akira Tozawa should really talk to RAW Akira Tozawa
Candace looks like every girl I went to college with going to an 80’s party.
Big Baby Yeezus
This is too much Charlotte for one week
Undisputed Era’s theme sounds like it’s trying to sell me testosterone pills
Mr. Bliss
Kross and Scarlett are just Dibiase and Virgil without the money
Scarlett Bordeaux lip-sync > Camera Guy singing Judas…..sorry….it’s science.
Grimes: If I wanted to slap Finn Balor in the face, I’d walk up to him and slap him in the face.
Balor: Here I am. Slap me in the face.
Grimes: Look, Finn, I’m doing a thing here….It’s a metaphor.
The Street Profits would love this Cross guy.
That’s it for this week’s Best and Worst of NXT. We’re not sure you ever actually read this part or do what we ask (or if you even scroll down through the top 10 comments of the week), but hey, it would really help us if you commented down below and shared the column if you liked or laughed at anything. The world’s tough, and that makes this kind of thing a lot easier.
Join us here next week, when Matt Riddle and Not Pete Dunne accept Imperium’s challenge for a Tag Team Championship match and try to right the “unforgivable” wrong of someone ruining their empty arena pro wrestling Newlywed Game skit in the year 2020. Imperium will remain under the ring during a Karrion Kross match until further notice. See you then!
Late Wednesday night, Earl Thomas issued a preemptive statement in an Instagram video addressing a report about a domestic altercation that took place between he and his wife back in April, in an effort to beat TMZ’s story detailing the incident to publication. Thomas asked for prayers for his family and said “it’s really not anyone’s business,” insisting “stuff like this happens.”
When Thomas posted the video, there was plenty of speculation about what the altercation in question would be about and Thomas’ role in it, but when TMZ’s story citing the police report on the April 13 incident emerged, it was more shocking than most anyone expected. According to TMZ, Thomas’ wife, Nina, told police that she and Earl had an argument earlier in the day that led him to leave as his brother, Seth, picked him up.
From there, Nina Thomas looked at Earl’s Snapchat to find his whereabouts and found a video of him and another woman. She tracked him to a rental home, grabbed his 9mm, and had two of her friends join her to confront him.
When the women arrived at the house, they “discovered Earl and Seth naked in bed with other women.”
That’s when Nina admits she pulled out the gun and put it to Earl’s head — stating “that she took out the magazine thinking that the gun could not fire.” But, cops say Nina was “unaware that the gun had a round in the chamber.”
Cops say one of the women in the house shot cell phone video of the incident … which they say shows Nina pointing the gun at Earl’s head “from less than a foot away and it can clearly be seen that Nina’s finger was on the trigger and the safety is disengaged.”
Earl reportedly wrestled the gun away from Nina, who hit him in the nose as he did so and Nina and her two friends were arrested. Earl was not arrested, and as such it’s unclear what, if any, repercussions may come his way from the Ravens or the NFL.
This February, New Japan Pro Wrestling announced its next big show in the United States, Wrestle Dynasty at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. Now, because of the coronavirus pandemic, that show has been postponed.
NJPW’s Wrestle Dynasty event was supposed to take place on August 22, 2020, but will now be rescheduled to a TBA date in 2021. Wrestle Dynasty would have been (and probably still will be) New Japan’s second-ever show at MSG, after 2019’s NJPW/ROH G1 Supercard event.
In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and its continued effect on social gatherings all over the world, NJPW has arrived at the decision to postpone Wrestle Dynasty, which was scheduled to take place on August 22, 2020, to a date in 2021 to be announced.
We will announce the new ticket information and event date in the future. In the meantime, pre-sale registration will continue; fans can still sign up to our pre-sale list to be informed of the new date for Wrestle Dynasty the moment details are confirmed, and will still be able to get early access to tickets.
New Japan hasn’t yet officially canceled any shows in Japan as far in the future as August, but recently canceled events through June 6 in response to the extension of Japan’s state of emergency.
Here are your quick, editorial-free NXT results for May 6, 2020. Tonight’s episode included Charlotte Flair defending the NXT Women’s Championship against Io Shirai, Johnny Gargano taking on Dominik Dijakovic, and more. Make sure you’re back here tomorrow for the full Best and Worst of NXT review.
NXT results:
1. Johnny Gargano defeated Dominik Dijakovic. Gargano pinned Dijakovic with One Final Beat after hurricanrana-ing him into an exposed turnbuckle. Gargano had a new entrance video for this match that said he’s now “All Heart, No Soul.”
– Imperium (Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner) cut a promo challenging for the NXT Tag Team Championship.
2. Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament match: Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher, pinning him after hitting a senton from the top turnbuckle.
3. Chelsea Green defeated Xia Li. Aliyah interfered in the match, distracting Li and allowing Green to hit the I’m Prettier for the win. Robert Stone shook hands with Aliyah after the match.
– Velveteen Dream cut a promo on Adam Cole about their upcoming NXT Championship match.
– Karrion Kross and Scarlett (fka Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux) made a dramatic entrance for Kross’s first match on NXT that included lots of smoke and some lip-synching.
4. Karrion Kross defeated Leon Ruff by submission.
5. NXT Women’s Championship match: Io Shirai defeated Charlotte Flair by disqualification after Flair attacked her with a kendo stick. After the bell rang, Flair continued to attack Shirai. Rhea Ripley stopped the attack and ran Flair off. Shirai yelled at Ripley in Japanese and followed her backstage while Ripley told her to shut up.
– During the commercial break, Shirai and Ripley had a pull-apart brawl backstage.
6. Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament match: Kushida defeated Jake Atlas by submission with an armbar.
– Finn Balor cut a promo about how whoever attacked him “won’t get the push you’re expecting,” but will get “a squash” instead.
– Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher vs. Imperium for the tag titles was announced for next week.
7. Cameron Grimes defeated Denzel Dejournette with the Cave In.
– After the match, Grimes cut a promo about he deserves more than what he has right now in NXT and called out Finn Balor. Balor entered the ring behind Grimes and confronted him. Grimes tried to back out of the situation, but Balor attacked him with a double foot stop and a Slingblade. Balor cut another promo about how he’ll find and get revenge on his attacker.
– Finn Balor vs. Cameron Grimes was announced for next week.
8. NXT Championship match: Adam Cole defeated Velveteen Dream. Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong tried to get involved in the match and Dexter Lumis attacked them. However, Lumis didn’t stop Strong from incapacitating the referee. Dream got a visual pinfall with the Purple Rainmaker, but Cole got the definitive pinfall with the ref watching after hitting the Last Shot.
Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for May 6, 2020. The show featured the return of Nyla Rose, a Tag Team Street Fight, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— The AEW Dynamite announce desk was reunited, with Excalibur and Jim Ross rejoining Tony Schiavone.
1. Cody Rhodes defeated Joey Janela. The Crossroads got the pin.
— Tony Schiavone interviewed Nyla Rose, who yelled him about how she’s the most dominant force in the AEW Women’s Division and always will be.
2. Nyla Rose defeated Kenzie Paige. Rose pinned Paige after a gratuitous number of Beast Bombs.
— MJF cut a promo from a minimalist penthouse, announcing that he’s injury free and will be back in the ring next week.
— Shawn Spears cut a backstage promo blaming Cody for how badly Lance Archer hurt Dustin Rhodes, arguing that Cody should have thrown in the towel.
— Spears and MJF were at ringside with Tony Schiavone, putting each other over. Schiavone revealed that MJF is facing Jungle Boy at Double Or Nothing, to MJF’s dismay.
3. Jon Moxley defeated Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian has hair now, but the new look didn’t keep him from getting pinned after a Paradigm Shift.
Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for May 6, 2020. The show featured the return of AEW Women’s Champion Nyla Rose, a Tag Team Street Fight in the main event, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— After the match, a bunch of Dark Order goons attacked Moxley. SCU joined in to help Moxley, but they all got taken down by the masked men. Then Brodie Lee came out in a suit, and hit Christopher Daniels with a chair. While a beaten Moxley laid in the ring, Brodie stood over him and cut a promo challenging him for the AEW World Championship. Moxley pulled together enough to accept, saying “All you had to do was ask.” Then the goons beat him some more, while Brodie Lee left with the title belt.
— Sitting at a desk, Brandi Rhodes cut a promo on Jake the Snake, warning him that he doesn’t know her and needs to keep her name out of his “dirty old mouth.”
4. Lance Archer (with Jake Roberts) defeated QT Marshall (with Brandi Rhodes). During the match, Doctor Britt Baker hit QT Marshall with her shoe, so Brandi Rhodes grabbed the show and threw it way up into the stands. Archer demolished Marshall with the EBD claw before pinning him.
— After the match, Britt attacked Brandi at ringside, knocking her out with a DDT. Then Lance Archer dragged her into the ring, and Jake Roberts menaced her with a live snake.
— Backstage, Taz attempted to interview Darby Allin about his loss last week, but Darby refused to talk, pushing the mic away and leaving.
5. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara defeated Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy in a Tag Team Street Fight. Matt Hardy switched personas multiple times during the match, which spilled out of Daily’s Place. At one point he and Kenny ran down Sammy Guevara with a golf cart, and then Kenny did a moonsault off of a scissor lift. Chris Jericho Powerbombed Omega on top of the golf cart, then Jake Hager choked him out, before Jericho hit the Judas Effect and pinned him.
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