The Rock will not stay silent during the protests following George Floyd‘s senseless death at the hand of law enforcement, and oh boy, is he feeling impassioned. In a process that’s more measured but as effective as the F-bomb dropping Seth Rogen, The Rock is going straight to the top with his appeal to recognize how Black Live Matter. On his social media pages, he posted an emphatic video, in which he never actually names President Trump, but he doesn’t have to say his name. It’s more than self-evident.
“Where are you? Where is our leader?” The Rock implores. “Where is our leader at this time when our country is down on its knees, begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain with its arms out, just wanting to be heard? Where is our compassionate leader who’s going to step up to our country, who’s down on its knees, and extend a hand and say, ‘You stand up, stand up with me because I got you. I hear you, I’m listening to you. And you have my word that I’m going to do everything in my power, until my dying day, my last breath, to do everything I can to create the change that is needed, to normalize equality because Black Lives Matter.”
He continues while breaking down the unquestionable need for leadership’s solidarity with the Black Lives Matter cause: “Where are you?… Of course, all lives matter, but in this moment right now, this defining, pivotal, explosive moment where our country is down on its knees… we must say the words: Black Lives Matter.”
Watch the video, in which The Rock lauds the change that’s already begun, while he also acknowledges the long road to come.