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WWE’s Raw And Smackdown Creative Teams Are Consolidating Under Bruce Prichard

If you’ve been watching Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown during quarantine and though the dramatic differences between the two brands was WWE’s biggest creative failing — one is red and the other is blue, it’s like night and day — don’t worry, your concerns have been heard. You weirdo.

Per an announcement made on on Thursday afternoon, the creative teams for both Raw and Smackdown will be consolidated into one unit under Bruce Prichard. Like Smackdown? Have two Smackdowns! If you’re wondering where Paul Heyman’s supposed to end up under this new deal, the news blurb mentions that he’ll be concentrating on his role, “as an in-ring performer.”

In an effort to streamline our creative writing process for television, we have consolidated both teams from Raw and SmackDown into one group, led by Bruce Prichard. Paul Heyman will concentrate on his role as an in-ring performer.

Maybe Heyman and Brock Lesnar are going to make a run at the Raw Tag Team Championship.

It was around this very time last year when WWE announced they were getting their shit together, so to speak, and promoting both Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff to Executive Director roles. By October Bischoff was out and Bruce Prichard was in, and now Prichard’s managed to take both of those positions.

Smackdown is dead. Long live Smackdown.