Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free WWE NXT results for June 17. 2020. This week’s episode featured matches for the Women’s and NXT Tag Team Championships, the set-up for a major championship main event, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Best and Worst of NXT column.
NXT Results:
1. NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Imperium (c) defeated Breezango. Breezango dressed as Imperium for their entrance, and used a remix of Imperium’s theme. Indus Sher and Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch brawled at ringside, causing a distraction. Fandango rolled up Marcel Barthel, but Fabian Aicher was the legal man. Aicher hit Fandango with a DDT and pinned him.
– Dexter Lumis infiltrated a Velveteen Dream interview to plant a cartoon he’d drawn of the two of them. Dream found it, called it a misunderstanding, and asserted that he’s a solo act.
2. Damian Priest defeated Killian Dain with The Reckoning.
3. Aliyah defeated Xia Li. A drunk and depressed Robert Stone got up onto the ring apron and puked into the ring, causing a distraction that allowed Aliyah to roll up Li and pin her after two attempts.
It’s only Wednesday, Rob.
@RobertStoneWWE “distracts” @XiaWWE to allow @WWE_Aliyah to get the pin! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/xVN0GTAX9V
— WWE (@WWE) June 18, 2020
– Timothy Thatcher stretched students with his “Thatch as Thatch can” style wrestling lessons.
– Bobby Fish and Adam Cole took Roderick Strong to a therapist (Kyle O’Reilly in a costume) to help him get over his fear of Dexter Lumis and being kidnapping in a trunk. Roddy ran away.
– Adam Cole was asked about Karrion Kross, but was interrupted by Keith Lee. Lee told Cole his time as champion is limited and broke the hourglass Scarlett gave Cole on behalf of Killer Kross last week.
– Cole came to the ring to talk about his NXT Championship reign and said he might want to take Lee’s North American Championship as well. This brought out Lee, and both men were interrupted by Johnny Gargano. Finn Bálor then interrupted, saying he’s coming for Lee’s North American Championship, and then Cole’s NXT Championship. William Regal (on the video screen) announced that next week Lee would defend against Bálor and Gargano in a triple threat match, with the winner moving on to face Cole in a “winner take all” match.
4. Dakota Kai defeated Kayden Carter by submission with a Koji Clutch.
– A hype video for Mercedes Martinez aired.
5. Bronson Reed squashed Leon Ruff, literally and figuratively, with a top rope splash. After the match, Reed called out Karrion Kross for next week.
– Cameron Grimes slashed Damien Priest’s car’s tires.
– Santos Escobar, along with Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde, talked about why he took off his mask and changed his name on last week’s episode. Drake Maverick interrupted, said he had more guts than brains, and attacked. Maverick got beaten down 3-on-1, culminating in a brutal driver through a table to the floor that got him stretchered away to the Local Medical Facility.
Guts will only get you so far against @EscobarWWE @RaulMendozaWWE & @joaquinwilde_. #WWENXT @WWEMaverick pic.twitter.com/vc2tmi576T
— WWE (@WWE) June 18, 2020
– Damian Priest vs. Cameron Grimes, Bronson Reed vs. Karrion Kross, and the triple threat match for the North American Championship are all next week.
6. Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Bayley and Sasha Banks (c) defeated Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart. Blackheart had Banks in the Cattle Mutilation, so Bayley introduced a steel chair. Nox took away the chair, but that got the referee’s attention and allowed Bayley to help turn the submission into a Banks Statement to give a submission win to the champs. After the match, Io Shirai ran in and attacked Bayley and Banks.