The lurid twists in the “Tiger King” story keep coming: As per The New York Post, the private zoo once owned by the now-imprisoned Joe Exotic had to be investigated yesterday when authorities were notified about possible human remains. Unlike some of the other aspects of this neverending saga, at least we have a sense of closure with this one: The claims turned out to be false.
It all happened Friday, when the show Ghost Adventures — which investigates potentially haunted locations — were filming Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park in Oklahoma. A team of cadaver dogs were present, and they sniffed out what appeared to be remains of some sort — possibly human.
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation were quickly called in, but after a search they discovered that the remains were not human at all but rather that of a small animal.
The private zoo, owned by Joe Exotic until his conviction in April of 2019 for conspiring to kill animal rights activist and his nemesis, Carole Baskin. Baskin herself has been accused, with questionable credibility by Joe Exotic and others, of being involved in the disappearance of her missing husband — accusations Baskin has roundly denied. In any case, there is seemingly no end to the gruesome twists and turns in a tale made most famous by the hit Netflix show, Tiger King.
(Via The New York Post)