Yesterday, SZA shared a bit of an update about some music she’s been working on. She took to Twitter to reveal that she sent it to her mother to listen to, writing, “This morning I sent my mom unreleased music for the first time.. no ones opinion matters more than my ma .. cause she don’t know me like dat .. but she know me like det.”
This morning I sent my mom unreleased music for the first time
.. no ones opinion matters more than my ma .. cause she don’t know me like dat .. but she know me like det
— SZA (@sza) July 14, 2020
A few hours later, her mother weighed in with some loving feedback. SZA shared a screenshot of the laudatory text her mother sent her, which reads, “Sitting here eyes closed, rocking from side to side to your music. There is no one quite like you and your sound. Soothing and disrupting at the same time. Such rich variations in texture, tone and tempos. And I was surprised and touched by the sweet homa’ge to your granny. Love it and love you and thank you so much for stepping out of what’s comfortable to share it with me. I feel so special [heart emojis]. Excited for you!”
And here is my mother’s review
— SZA (@sza) July 14, 2020
This is a different reaction than it seems SZA’s mother had for Ctrl, as SZA doesn’t think her mother ever listened to her debut album. A fan asked if SZA’s mom still plays the album, and SZA responded, “Tbh ion think she ever did. before it came out she told me Beyoncé album made her feel too naked … so I knew once she heard doves n the wind it was a wrap for me.”
Tbh ion think she ever did
before it came out she told me Beyoncé album made her feel too naked … so I knew once she heard doves n the wind it was a wrap for me
— SZA (@sza) July 14, 2020