Katy Perry has a new album out this month, and she’s been tirelessly promoting it. Four singles, among them the title track and “Daises,” have been released so far, and it looks as though it will be more acclaimed than her last release, 2017’s Witness. On Tuesday, Perry stepped away from promoting it to show support on Twitter for Ellen Degeneres, who’s facing backlash over allegations that she’s created a toxic workplace environment for her employees.
1/2 I know I can’t speak for anyone else’s experience besides my own but I want to acknowledge that I have only ever had positive takeaways from my time with Ellen & on the @theellenshow. I think we all have witnessed the light & continual fight for equality that she has brought
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) August 4, 2020
2/2 to the world through her platform for decades. Sending you love & a hug, friend @TheEllenShow
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) August 4, 2020
“I know I can’t speak for anyone else’s experience besides my own but I want to acknowledge that I have only ever had positive takeaways from my time with Ellen & on the @TheEllenShow,” Perry said in the first of two tweets. “I think we all have witnessed the light & continual fight for equality that she has brought. Sending you love & a hug, friend @TheEllenShow.”
Allegations against Degeneres and her daytime talk show arrived late last month after Buzzfeed discovered accusations of racism and intimidation behind the scenes. Variety later published claims that longtime crew members were mistreated as the show made changes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Soon after the allegations came to light, it was reported by Variety andThe Hollywood Reporter that the show was undergoing an internal investigation by WarnerMedia. Degeneres offered her own apology for what may or may not have gone down, saying, “I’ve not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew I’d want them done. Clearly some didn’t. That will now change and I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again.”