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Today Trump Claimed That Joe Biden Will ‘Hurt God’ And Called Thailand ‘Thighland’

While speaking to supporters, President Donald Trump claimed that his Democratic opponent Joe Biden will “hurt God” if elected. The bold accusation that suggests the former vice president somehow possesses the supernatural strength to injure the Almighty Creator of the Universe was made during a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday.

“He’s going to do things that nobody ever would ever think even possible,” Yahoo! News reports the president as saying. “Because he’s following the radical left agenda– take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God. He’s against guns. He’s against energy, our kind of energy.”

You can see video of Trump saying Biden will hurt God below:

As usual with the president, Trump’s warning that Joe Biden is capable of punching God in the face wasn’t the only odd statement to come out of the campaign stop. Trump mistakenly referred to Thailand as “Thighland,” which caused the term to immediately start trending on Twitter.

You can see the viral Thighland moment below:

Needless to say, folks immediately went to town reacting to the president’s latest faux pas and wondering where exactly they can find this mythical thigh-based paradise.

Of course, some of the reactions got a little too real.

The Thighland fiasco arrives on the heels of the president’s recent interview with Axios. The president’s unusual answers on the COVID-19 crisis coupled with reporter Jonathan Swan’s very confused facial reactions went instantly viral once the interview became available on Monday. For days, embarrassing clips from the interview were shared across social media, but now, the president can breathe easy because, clearly, Thighland is the new hotness — until Trump’s next public remarks.

(Via Yahoo! News, Slade on Twitter & Timothy Burke on Twitter)