We’re over five months into an almost nation-wide lockdown, and even after all this, after millions of diagnosed cases and over 160,000 deaths in America alone, there are still some who question the severity of the pandemic in a nation whose leaders are otherwise occupied. One person has had enough: Sharon Stone took to Instagram over the weekend to reveal that her immunocompromised sister, Kelly, is in the hospital, sick with COVID-19. And she knows who to blame: people not wearing masks.
“My sister Kelly, who already has lupus, now has COVID-19. This is her hospital room. One of you Non-Mask wearers did this,” the actress wrote. She continued:
“She does not have an immune system. The only place she went was the pharmacy. There is no testing in her county unless you are symptomatic, & then it’s 5 day wait for results. Can YOU FACE THIS ROOM ALONE? Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Please
Stone doesn’t mention where her sister lives, but what she’s going through is common in many parts of the country, especially non-cities. Indeed, The New York Times reported that testing has gone down even as cases continue to spike.
The legendary actress, forever in the history books thanks to iconic turns in the likes of Basic Instinct, continued to post about her sister on Instagram, first with a picture of her and her husband, and then in a video in which Stone herself pleaded with Americans to vote — although given the brouhaha with the United States Post Office, even that may be tricky.
(Via EW)