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Britney Spears Asks The Court To End Her Father’s Role As Sole Conservator According To New Documents

A month ago, people began to be concerned for Britney Spears after a series of strange social media posts from the pop singer arrived on TikTok and Instagram. Fans began to theorize that the videos were Britney’s way of calling out for help, and soon the second wave of the #FreeBritney movement began. Shortly after, a report arrived refuting claims that Britney was being held captive by her conservator, her father James Spears, who labeled the movement as “a joke.” However, thanks to new court documents, it’s apparent that Britney no longer desires that her father retains that role.

According to documents obtained by the New York Times, Britney says she is “strongly opposed” to having her father regain his role as sole conservator and requests that it “be changed substantially in order to reflect the major changes in her current lifestyle and her stated wishes.” In 2019, James temporarily surrendered the role due to health issues and the position was given to Jodi Montgomery, a licensed professional conservator. Per the new documents, Britney does not desire to have Montgomery removed from the role, but rather, she seeks power to end the conservatorship role altogether.

Britney also revealed her career plans, including her “desire not to perform at this time.” Her lawyers expect her father to strongly fight against Britney’s request and that they are planning to push back via a legal team with “substantial expertise in handling contested litigation in a highly complex case such as this one.”

(via New York Times)