Kanye West has been active on Twitter in recent days, usually in the form of a quick daily burst of tweets. In one of those from the past few days, he shared a seemingly handmade poster that features a “Kanye 2020 Vision” logo tiled with photos of various faces, all of which appears to be held together with staples. Two of the people featured on the poster are Vogue editor Anna Wintour and actress Kirsten Dunst. Dunst caught wind of the poster, and it left her with questions.
These days, Dunst mostly uses her Twitter for sharing links to songs and videos, but she took a break from her regularly scheduled programming to address the Kanye situation, writing in response to the poster, “What’s the message here, and why am I apart of it? [shrugging emoji].”
#2020VISION pic.twitter.com/HDugAlgk2x
— ye (@kanyewest) August 18, 2020
What’s the message here, and why am I apart of it?
— Kirsten Dunst (@kirstendunst) August 20, 2020
Dunst hasn’t offered a public endorsement of any of the presidential candidates against whom Kanye is running, but she threw her support behind Bernie Sanders in March, before he dropped out of the presidential race in April. She said in a statement at the time, “All his life, Bernie Sanders has had the courage to speak the truth, even when no one else would. He stands up for people — all people. Right now we need his courage and conviction to bring justice to this country, to the environment and to the world. It is my honor to join my voice with his, and with the voices of the millions of hardworking people who know a better world is possible and are ready to fight for it. Together we will win.”