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Fox News Hosts Praised Joe Biden’s ‘Home Run’ DNC Speech As One That ‘Blew A Hole’ In Trump’s ‘Caricature’ Of Him

A day after President Trump flew into an all-caps, white-hot rage over Obama and Kamala Harris at the DNC, Julia Louis-Dreyfus shredded Trump and Fox News during the final night of the event. However, a handful of hosts must not have been feeling too torn up about the Veep star’s speech because it didn’t take away from several Fox News on-air personalities’ praise of Joe Biden’s speech. While formally accepting the Democratic party nomination, Biden vowed to lead the country to “overcome this season of darkness in America.” He further promised that “I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness.”

You can watch the full speech here, but let’s just say that it was surprisingly well-received on Fox News. First up, The Daily Briefing host Dana Perino declared that “Joe Biden just hit a home run in the bottom of ninth… his best.” She went further, singling out his “rhythm, energy, emotion, and delivery.”

Host Laura Ingraham really shocked Donald Trump Jr., who must have been prepared to for a regular old snarkfest against Biden. In the below, clip, you can see the smile melt from his face when Ingraham pointed out that “he did beat expectations, Don.” Not only that, but Ingraham believes that Biden “delivered a good speech” that was “fairly well-delivered.” Don Jr. does not agree.

Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace went even further while gushing over Biden’s “enormously effective speech” that “blew a hole” in the president’s attempts to trash his Democratic rival:

“Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as [being] mentally shot, a captive of the left… And yes, Biden was reading from the teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought that he blew a hole, a big hole, in that characterization. It seems to me that after tonight, Donald Trump will have to run against a candidate, not a caricature.”

Elsewhere throughout the evening, political contributor Karl Rove admitted that “it was a very good speech,” and host Bret Baier declared that the evening was “the best he’s been, as far as his delivery.”

And Fox News personalities weren’t the only loud voices here. Over at The Drudge Report, Biden is taking center stage for throwing down a “barn burner” of a speech.

Via Drudge Report

Whereas President Trump tweeted as if the wind had been taken out of his sails. No all-caps rant here, just a muted reaction that described Biden’s speech as “just words!”

You can watch Joe Biden’s full DNC speech below.