The final night of the Republican National Convention capped itself off with Donald Trump once again accepting his party’s presidential nomination. His speech largely fit into the theme of the evening — law and order and accusing Joe Biden of threatening law and order — and Trump patted himself on the back for how well he believes that the U.S. handling the pandemic (despite evidence to the contrary). The president then summed up Biden as taking “donations of blue collar workers, gave them hugs…. and even kisses, and told them he felt their pain – and then he flew back to Washington and voted to ship their jobs to China.”
Naturally, the tightly-packed crowd loved the “hugs and kisses” remark (while much of the crowd at home undoubtedly recalled Trump’s “locker room comments”). Oh, and people definitely noticed one strange moment when Trump first took the stage after an introduction from his senior advisor/daughter, Ivanka. Presumably, she and Melania exchanged smiles, and then the first lady’s expression appeared to turn ice cold.
This was so weird. #RNC2020 pic.twitter.com/YHReTl0bfT
— Dana Goldberg (@DGComedy) August 28, 2020
Is everything… alright between the two of them? According to the recently published memoir from Melania’s former advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, Melania and Ivanka have been nursing a rivalry for years that was allegedly referred to as “Operation Block Ivanka.” Who knows if this is really true, but it’s easy to get carried away with imagination here and wonder if Ivanka secretly struck her tongue out at her stepmother.
Truly, this is a mysterious development, but one thing is certain: this “death stare” is so awkward. And as another Twitter user even joked, “This episode of Dynasty SUCKS!”
Oh wow. Melania just gave Ivanka the death stare. https://t.co/w86vqrnVfS
— Jake and The Derg
(@JakeReif) August 28, 2020
I see that Melania and Ivanka are getting along juuuuust fine. pic.twitter.com/ktnmRBBG7Q
— TrumpsTaxes (@TrumpsTaxes) August 28, 2020
Melania Trump gives Ivanka Trump that look that “I like you only because I have to”.#RNC2020 #RNCConvention pic.twitter.com/ylkCju1SdM
— Mad World (@MadddWWWorld) August 28, 2020
Did Melania just roll her eyes at Ivanka? @ProjectLincoln pic.twitter.com/EBFRheqOtD
— Art Santiago
(@SantiG08) August 28, 2020
Ivanka Trump to Melania Trump
“Watch your back!! #RNC2020 pic.twitter.com/WjSdAsqUfM— Jules Morgan (@glamelegance) August 28, 2020
The hate Melania has for Ivanka, her husband and the entire family is palpable.pic.twitter.com/REGX66Ec9l
— Jeremy Pond (@JeremyPond) August 28, 2020
This episode of Dynasty SUCKS!
— Mike Espinoza (@dlokazip) August 28, 2020