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John Oliver Will Officially Have A Connecticut Sewage Plant Named After Him (With One Minor Stipulation)

John Oliver has made many enemies over his career, but none have responded to his criticism the way the mayor of Danbury, Connecticut did a few weeks back. After the Last Week Tonight host repeatedly (and randomly) mocked his town, one of the most diverse and thriving in America, mayor Mark Boughton decided to respond in kind: He threatened to name the local sewage plant after him, because, in his words, both are “full of crap.” Alas, it was just a joke, and when Oliver discovered that, he was devastated. So he made one more volley, promising to donate a large sum in local charities should Boughton actually go through with the plan. And it appears to have worked — with one minor stipulation.

As per The Hollywood Reporter, Boughton agreed with Oliver’s demands, but to seal the deal he demanded Oliver do one more thing: show up in person to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Of course, given how ecstatic Oliver was to hear he’d have a crap factory named after him, it’s hard to imagine he’ll skip.

Boughton made the announcement in a jokey video, in which he continued to heap abuse on the man who’d heaped abuse on his city. While he appreciated Oliver’s promise to donate money, he took a little umbrage with the amount: $55,000 total. “That’s a little light for someone in the 1 percent,” Boughton said. “But a deal is a deal.”

There was one more thing. Boughton said that if Oliver welched, he’d still name something after him: a port-a-potty, which would be dubbed “The John Oliver ****house,” the meaning of the asterisks not hard to divine. “Come up to Danbury and sit on your throne,” Boughton told Oliver. Surely he’d like to have both.

(Via THR)