If everyone had taken after quarantine king Teddy Perkins and stayed inside in March, seasons three and four of Atlanta might have come out in January 2021 and fall 2021, as was originally intended. That’s no longer the case.
FX head John Landgraf confirmed on Wednesday that the pandemic has shut down production on the Donald Glover-created surreal comedy (one of our favorites of the 2010s). The seasons were going to be shot back-to-back in Atlanta, Georgia, obviously, as well as Europe; out of precaution for the cast and crew’s health, and because shooting availabilities have shifted, Atlanta won’t begin filming again until early 2021.
“The ‘availability’ of the seasons were being pushed back, in part because of when the show could resume production safely, as well as due to the scheduling of the cast to resume working on the longer stretch of production that is two seasons at once,” Variety reports. “Landgraf shared that cast and crew safety was the ‘number one priority’ and that includes not only new practices and procedures, such as testing, social distancing and contract tracing, but also simply giving them access to doctors and epidemiologists.”
There is some good news, though: Landgraf revealed that seasons three and four have already been written. “One of the things that’s been kind of an unexpected boon from COVID-19 is that writers have had a lot of time to write,” he said. “Donald Glover and his intrepid team of partners have written everything for seasons three and four.”
The wait for more Darius shenanigans is worth it.
(Via Variety)