Killer Mike recently met with Georgia governor Brian Kemp to discuss the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on small businesses and the music industry, but with the state’s COVID-19 cases increasing, the gesture has received mixed reactions online.
Today, Marty and I had a great meeting with @KillerMike. We discussed how small businesses and the music industry are weathering the pandemic, the value of our skilled trade workers, and our fight to end human trafficking in Georgia. We look forward to seeing him again soon! pic.twitter.com/yR6iVaAJo1
— Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp) September 9, 2020
“Today, Marty and I had a great meeting with Killer Mike,” the governor wrote in post on Twitter Wednesday. “We discussed how small businesses and the music industry are weathering the pandemic, the value of our skilled trade workers, and our fight to end human trafficking in Georgia. We look forward to seeing him again soon!” While the mood of the tweet was optimistic, many of the replies were anything but. Commentors accused Mike of allowing himself to be used as a prop, likening this instance to his previous admitted faux pas in sitting down in good faith for an interview with the NRA, only to have the footage edited to make him seem like an enthusiastic supporter — even though points were made.
I like it when people don’t show up to used as tokens by a dude who disenfranchised their people & stole an elected office where he continues to harm their people.
— Cipher of the Golden Spatula (@snarkylicious) September 10, 2020
These rappers don’t speak for me…never have, never will. I can think for myself. To think Kemp is an honest broker is being naive and that’s being generous. pic.twitter.com/iwCdHJiHjd
— Sabdmoore (@Sdenimopson) September 10, 2020
I’ve always told my students and kids to not let people use you as their prop.
— Brian Jay Jr. (@bjayjr5679) September 10, 2020
Likewise, many commenters pointed out that the incumbent Brian Kemp had purged thousands of voters from rolls just ahead of the last election against Stacey Abrams — an action many say constitutes voter suppression and has Kemp facing federal investigation. Kemp’s also under fire for proposing a ban on face mask orders in the state, despite clear evidence that mandating masks helps slow the spread of viruses like the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Killer Mike showed y’all who he was with the NRA, tryting to rationalize Candace Owens at the revolt summit & a plethora of other things. If you still riding for him & that mentality then ride on. For the rest of us, we gotta understand imperfect allies & keep them at arms length
— Da Misanthropic Munchkin (@DapperAlexander) September 10, 2020
Why would Killer Mike allow himself to be used as a prop for a racist ass white man who will do nothing for the black community? https://t.co/oQBOCLeJQC
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) September 10, 2020
Killer Mike backed Bernie cause he’s anti establishment which is fair but, when you listen to him talk he sounds like a country club republican
— LeGOAT (@ToureDeTrap) September 10, 2020
In light of these actions, Mike’s meeting with the governor is likely disappointing to those who normally admire his outspoken political views and music. But Mike’s also a small business owner himself — one whose employees are also being affected by the pandemic. He’s also been a proponent of business ownership for Black people himself and is likely trying to be a voice of reason for the Kemp administration, even though he was a big part of Stacey Abrams’ campaign a few years ago. However, Twitter is no place for nuance, so while Mike has supporters, he’s also facing another big backlash. You can read some of the tweets below.
Killer Mike attempting to brand himself as the Reasonable Negro
by meeting with a white man who stole an election from a Black woman and then denied the impact of COVID. Very reasonable
— Abolish the Police, NOTHING LESS! (@Jouelzy) September 10, 2020
Criticizing Killer Mike for meeting with a member of a political faction that he or you may not agree with shows just how much y’all have no idea how politics works, how basic human interaction on a higher level works, & your level of emotional & cognitive immaturity.
— Stef. (@STEFisDOPE) September 10, 2020
Y’all not going to start the morning slandering killer Mike. Fuck this app. Y’all dumb. You gotta get in the office first to make changes. He knows what he’s doing. Wtf have y’all done with your lives. pic.twitter.com/sKie6l2TSL
— RENT CRISIS 2020 (@cordialfall) September 10, 2020
A governor who stole an election from a black woman being able to use Killer Mike as a prop is a terrible look
— Hak33m
(@PrinceHAK33M) September 10, 2020
You stole a whole election and suppress black votes. You’re a cheater and shouldn’t be the governor. You do Trumps bidding by sueing a black woman over a mask. Then backtrack the lawsuit. I wouldn’t meet with him. This is a photo opportunity. Killer Mike
— D.Bradley (@iamdbradley) September 10, 2020
Killer Mike met w/ Georgia’s king of voter suppression & the man who filed a lawsuit against Mayor Bottoms over masks…?
There are many leaders in GA – like @RenittaShannon – Kemp could’ve met w/ who wouldve had an agenda & held him accountable. But Kemp met w/ a celebrity… https://t.co/duE1LUSqub
— Clay ‘Not Holding His Vote Hostage’ Cane (@claycane) September 10, 2020
Killer Mike: Can’t wait to work with you Brother
— Leslie Mac (@LeslieMac) September 10, 2020