There’s been a lot of big news lately, but arguably as big as this: On Saturday, Chris Evans seemed to accidentally share a picture of his schlong. Granted, it could have been anyone’s, although most people leaped to the assumption that what they were gendering at was indeed (Captain) America’s penis. While Evans has laid low since the inciting incident, on Monday he finally broke his silence with a pretty great — and pretty useful — Twitter post.
Now that I have your attention
VOTE Nov 3rd!!!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) September 15, 2020
“Now that I have your attention,” Evans posted, followed by two embarrassed emoticons. He then relayed his main message: “VOTE Nov 3rd!!!”
Mind you, technically Evans neither confirmed nor denied the veracity of aforementioned trouser snake. He could very well have simply been caught with pictures of the wang of another. Maybe he’d been watching some pornographic motion picture spectacular, and he’d just happened to pause on an erect monster hog.
In any case, it’s good to see Evans — who’s received tongue-in-cheek comfort from MCU colleague Mark Ruffalo and his very own brother — putting the fracas to good use. What better way to get ahead of a nude picture scandal then by changing the subject to the election that very well may dictate the future of all of our lives? We salute you, and that.