Remember Bill O’Reilly? You know it’s been a long few years for the memory of his Fox News domination to fade so quickly after his 2017 ouster following revelations that he paid out over $30 million for sexual harassment settlements. Media analyst Howard Kurtz once described him as “the biggest star in the 20 year history at Fox News,” but O’Reilly was quickly relegated to his own sidelines after, uh, stories about him grunting like a wild boar. He tried podcasting and then started a bizarre conspiracy theory about clothing sizes, and now, he’s reminding everyone that he’s still kicking.
Following Joe Biden’s competent performance at Thursday night’s CNN Town Hall, O’Reilly grew suspicious because — and this is just a guess — he’s not used to seeing a candidate arrive prepared for an event? In all fairness, it has been an atypical last three-and-a-half years. He may not realize that watching a president shout about opening up the schools while a pandemic rages (and saying something entirely different in the background) is not normal. O’Reilly appears to now believe that shenanigans are afoot (because Trump declared that Biden is “sleepy Joe,” and the GOP constantly makes suggestions about his mental acuity), and Biden must somehow be cheating.
“Looks to me that Biden had an idea of what the questions would be,” the former evening talk titan declared. “At least areas of questioning.”
Looks to me that Biden had an idea of what the questions would be, at least areas of questioning.
— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) September 18, 2020
Twitter is calling it: O’Reilly and friends are “SHOOK.” They can’t seem to wrap their heads around a rival candidate (who they accused of having dementia) succeeding at a town hall, so they don’t see past the flawed logic of accusing him of memorizing dozens of questions and answers. As one user put it, “You can’t make this crap up!”
Hilarious that Joe Biden is supposed to be Sleepy and Slow, but guys like Bill O’Reilly think he has the mental acuity to memorize a ton of questions AND answers.
Joe has them all SHOOK.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) September 18, 2020
Hey, Bill O’Reilly
It’s called competence, something your guy has proven he sorely lacks.
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) September 18, 2020
If there’s one thing people in cognitive decline are known for, it is memorizing long, nuanced answers to lengthy lists of questions.
Nothing gets past Bill O’Reilly. https://t.co/mioctUqHgL
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) September 18, 2020
Joe Biden’s performance last night was so amazing that Republicans like Bill O’Reilly are now accusing the man who they once said had dementia of knowing and memorizing 25 questions and answers.
You can’t make this crap up!
— Mrs. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) September 18, 2020
Bill O’Reilly was so blown away by Biden’s town hall, he thinks he memorized every question.
That’s a bit more impressive than: person, woman, man, camera, TV. pic.twitter.com/GE6MydEM8w
— Bleeding Heart Liberal Marine (@BleedingMarine) September 18, 2020
Bill O’Reilly thinks Biden was given the questions in advance because he answered them as though he was prepared. Bill, that’s the way a real president answers questions. https://t.co/89SBHAf84l
— John Lundin
(@johnlundin) September 18, 2020
Aaaaand a friendly reminder:
Friendly reminder that Bill O’Reilly got more money to resign from his job for sexually harassing women than you’ll make in an entire lifetime.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 18, 2020