The prices and specifics of the next level of gaming’s console war are finally in place, but Sony isn’t happy with how its PlayStation 5 presale went and promised gamers they’ll make it right. The gaming giant was the last to set pricing and release details for its next-gen console, with Xbox taking the low price point with its Series S while Sony offered two consoles as well.
See you in November! pic.twitter.com/CjrQ65rJ5a
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) September 16, 2020
While new Xbox consoles will hit presales on September 22, Sony had Friday set for their own presales through various retailers throughout the week. And there were a lot of problems, long wait times, and frustrated gamers. Some preorders went up earlier than Sony had claimed, while others quickly sold out and even had some orders already pushed past launch day delivery dates.
On Saturday, the company admitted preorders “could have been a lot smoother” and promised more consoles are on the way, with new preorder setups coming from various retailers in the coming days and more consoles on the market by the end of the year.
Let’s be honest: PS5 preorders could have been a lot smoother. We truly apologize for that.
Over the next few days, we will release more PS5 consoles for preorder – retailers will share more details.
And more PS5s will be available through the end of the year. pic.twitter.com/h1TaGsGBun
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) September 19, 2020
Given the attention both consoles have gotten and the year it’s been, there were bound to be issues with how the preorder rollout went down. The company had previously assured gamers that they would have some notice and an orderly setup for snagging a PlayStation 5, but what resulted was a much more scattershot ordeal that was admittedly difficult to keep track of. We’ll see if Microsoft can avoid the same problems next week.