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The Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Decision Prompted Reactions From Viola Davis, DL Hughley, And More

Celebrities and politicians are voicing strong reactions on Wednesday following the grand jury decision that brought no charges against the Louisville police officers who killed Breonna Taylor in March. The case rose to national prominence during the Black Lives Matter protests that quickly spread across the nation after police killed George Floyd in Minnesota in May. However, it took months of mounting public pressure to get an investigation into Taylor’s death, which was the result of police serving a no-knock warrant to the wrong address. Taylor was shot in her sleep when police fired at her boyfriend, who had no connection to the warrant because, again, officers arrived at the wrong address.

But while no-knock warrants have since been banned in Louisville, and Taylor’s family received a $12 million settlement from the city, the grand jury decision to not hold any of the officers responsible for her death has already ignited strong rebukes on social media from celebrities and politicians. Viola Davis bluntly described the decision as “bullsh*t” as others noted the systemic racism that led to the police escaping charges.

Stars like Kerry Washington also used the controversial decision to spur political action from actively voting in all elections to marching in the streets.

Comedian DL Hughley got biblical in his condemnation of Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Others offered their prayers and messages of support to Breonna Taylor’s family. Surprisingly, that list included Meghan McCain who has been a vocal critic of the Black Lives Matter protests.