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‘#Dumbkirk’ Started Trending On Twitter After A Trump Boat Rally Ended With Several Boats Sinking

Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is certainly in an interesting spot after America’s two major political parties had their conventions and not much has changed with polling trends. But one sign of support the president has found on the water reportedly turned to disaster on Saturday that lit up social media in a big way.

Dozens of Trump-themed boat parades have popped up across the United States in recent weeks, with Trump amplifying images of them to bolster his support among a very specific crowd of recreational vehicle enthusiasts. Some of these rallies have drawn crowds of counter-protesters, or at least people there to document the spectacle and, like the image above from New York in July, to show their disapproval of the events and the political beliefs of those particupating.

But for some on Saturday watching from the shores, they got quite a sight when a Trump boat parades ended in reports of boats outright sinking. Reports spread on Saturday that multiple boats sank during a Trump boat rally in Texas on Saturday. A local sherif department tweeted that it, indeed, had to respond to several calls about boats from the Trump parade that had sunk.

The New York Times reported that at least four boats at the event had sunk, though there were no reported injuries. It also had some details about what was supposed to happen at the event, which made many wonder exactly how this led to several boats sinking.

Owners of boats of “all shapes and sizes” were encouraged to participate and to decorate them with “as many Trump flags as she can handle,” the event’s Facebook page said.

Boaters were set to travel around the lake, which is about 15 miles northwest of Austin, at 10 miles per hour, according to the event’s page.

But one image in particular of a Trump flag-flying vessel in some rough waters immediately went viral on Saturday, as did the hashtag #Dumbkirk, a reference to the Oscar-nominated war movie Dunkirk.

There were some incredible reactions to that single image alone.

That wasn’t the only photo of a Trump boat taking on water that circulated online, though.

It was a good chance to get off some jokes about antifa and other conspiracies about what caused the boats to sink.

Or just make fun of people using the #Dumbkirk hashtag.

It wasn’t a very good day for the boaters, but it sure was a lot of fun for people online.

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‘NBA 2K21’ Is Getting A Much Needed Shooting Hotfix On Sunday

As everyone dove into NBA 2K21 this weekend there was a common refrain from experienced and casual gamers alike: Why is it so damn hard to shoot?

The biggest gameplay change for this year’s edition was an enhanced shot stick, which promised more control for ball-handling and, once you got the hang of it, more control around the rim and pulling up for shots of the dribble. However, there have been tons of complaints that it has become too difficult to shoot and the margin for error is effectively nil for shooting from three-point range in the game. It’s led a lot of gamers to just say they aren’t shooting from the perimeter at all for now, because all you end up doing is throwing up bricks.

The folks at 2K listened and came up with a bit of a compromise to help players that are trying to work their way into the new game. As such, a shooting hotfix is on the way for Sunday, September 6, that will apply to Rookie, Pro, and All-Star difficulties. The top difficulties and games on 2K Beach in the Neighborhood will not be effected by the fix. The goal of the fix, per 2K, is to help more casual players get more used to the shooting motion of the game as there are many (including myself) who are having serious struggles from the field in their MyCAREER — I will only shoot if near the rim, at this point.

Hopefully the hotfix will provide some needed relief and allow those of us that don’t log hours and hours on the 2K blacktop to still enjoy the game and shoot without killing our field goal percentages.

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Big Sean Reveals Kanye West’s Contribution To ‘Detroit 2’ And His Favorite Moment When Creating The Album

Big Sean finally released his Detroit 2 album on Friday, after teasing it for well over a year. With 21 tracks and appearances from Jhene, Ty Dolla Sign, the late Nipsey Hussle, Eminem, Young Thug, Wale, and a plethora of other names, the album stands as his longest and most collaborative album to date. Stopping by Twitter for a Q&A session with fans, Big Sean answered a wide range of questions about the album and some other things.

To kick off the Q&A session, a fan asked Big Sean what Kanye West contributed as an executive producer for Detroit 2. “Lotta advice!” Big Sean answered. “And more, he actually did a lot of references n parts that helped out a lot.” Sean was also asked about his favorite moment of making the album. “When I felt hopeless as f*ck after losing so many close people and role models and wrote ‘Feed’ that was the most therapeutic!” he said. “Also lucky Me and finishing Body Language. I wrote 5 versions of Body Language. 5!!!”

Even though the album hasn’t even been out for a full weekend, Sean was also asked if he would release a deluxe version. “I dont know, if i feel like its needed. i just want to be clear tho, i dropped deluxes for my 1st, 2nd, 3rd albums. that was always a standard for me. i just felt like i Decided didn’t need one because it was more of a concept album to me.”

Big Sean also answered questions about being on Justin Bieber’s next album, his favorite verse from Detroit 2, the one artist he hoped to get on the album but failed to, and if he plans to make yet another Twenty88 album.

Check out the tweets from Big Sean’s Q&A session above.

Detroit 2 is out now via Def Jam. Get it here.

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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Watch ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit Give A Moving Speech About Combatting Racism On ‘College GameDay’

Week 1 of this bizarre college football season kicked off on Saturday afternoon. As a result, ESPN’s Saturday morning institution, College GameDay, is back, although it’s not quite the same as it is in years past — no raucous crowds, no college campus, yes to views of a bunch of home offices and Lee Corso’s patio.

Saturday’s episode featured a discussion about social justice, one that moved GameDay stalwart Kirk Herbstreit to tears. Herbstreit began by saying that he believes white players in locker rooms need to “really help with the change” and expressing his belief that the work that needs to be done to combat racism has to go beyond the “great” demonstrations that have been commonplace across the world of sports in recent months.

Herbstreit went on to mention a conversation he had with Stanford coach David Shaw, who told him the Benjamin Franklin quote “justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are,” before he began to tear up.

“The Black community is hurting,” Herbstreit says. “If you listened — the word ’empathy’ and ‘compassion’ over these last four months — how do you listen to these stories and not feel pain and not want to help? Wearing a hoodie, putting your hands at 10 and 2, ‘Oh God, I better look out because I’m wearing Nike gear.’ Like, what? What are we talking about? You can’t relate to that if you’re white, but you can listen, and you can try to help, because this is not ok. It’s just not.”

Herbstreit went on to give a call to action, saying through tears that, “We gotta do better, man. We gotta, like, lock arm and arm and be together in a football locker room. That stuff is gone, those barriers are gone, we just gotta do better.”

Several of his GameDay colleagues were emotional over this, while Rece Davis mentioned the role that sports have played in combatting racism, citing individuals like Jesse Owens and Jackie Robinson. You can watch the entire segment above.

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Kit Harrington Apparently Was Once Told He’d Kill The Night King On ‘Game Of Thrones’

The Game of Thrones show has gone and left the world, and maybe the monoculture, behind. But there’s still some secrets left to tell about how the show’s rocky final season played out. The latest tidbit is that Kit Harrington had apparently been told that his character, Jon Snow, would be the one to kill the Night King, years before the scene was ever scripted and filmed.

According to Maisie Williams, Harrington once told her that he was let in on a big show secret while they were filming Season 3. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Williams reflected on the show and her big scene involving a knife and the most dangerous being on the fictional planet. Asked about the fact that most people thought it would be Snow to take care of business, Williams noted it would be “too obvious” and that even Harrington thought he would be the one to do it.

He expected it to go that way, too, and he even said, “It was going to go that way. Someone told me in season three that I was going to kill The Night King.” And then, he read the script, and it was Arya the whole time. (Laughs.) Yeah, I think it would’ve been too obvious. I’m glad that it was Arya, honestly. I think I had the best storyline of the final season. (Laughs.)

Assuming is one thing, but being told it would happen by someone is another thing altogether. And it must have been a surprise to find out that he wouldn’t be the one to do it. That certainly explains his reaction to the plot points when asked in the press. Though he hadn’t revealed that secret to anyone, he did admit in 2019 that he wishes he had been the one to kill the Night King.

“I was secretly like, ‘I wanted to do that!’” Harrington told The Hollywood Reporter last year, imagining an epic sword fight with Vlad Furdik, who played the Night King. “But it was a really great twist, and it tied up Maisie’s journey in a really beautiful way.”

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‘SNL’ Will Run Their Chadwick Boseman Episode On Saturday Night In Honor Of The Late Actor

It’s been just over a week since Chadwick Boseman, acclaimed actor and Marvel superstar, died of colon cancer. The news came as a shock, not only because he was so young, only aged 43, but also because he had kept his illness a secret, reportedly believing he could conquer it before the sequel to Black Panther. Since then tributes have poured in and his movies and new specials about his life have been squeezed into TV line-ups.

Now SNL has followed the lead. As per Deadline, the beloved live sketch show is reserving its slot on Saturday, September 5, for the episode Boseman hosted back on April 7, 2018. The actor appeared less than two months after Black Panther hit theaters and mere weeks before the release of his next MCU appearance, in Avengers: Infinity War.

Boseman never got to make a comedy film, and even all his television appearances were on dramas — except for his SNL gig. And he proved he was an untapped comedic talent, particularly when he brought Black Panther’s T’Challa to bear on another round of Black Jeopardy! The YouTube clip of it remains incredibly popular, with 24 million views over the last 2 ½ years. While you can watch that in the video above, remember that there’s another hour and change of quality Boseman SNL fodder, which will air Saturday at 11:35pm EST.

(Via Deadline)

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Ray Fisher Hit Back At Warner Bros. Over His Allegations Of Abuse On The Set Of ‘Justice League’

Justice League, the DCEU’s flailing attempt at their own Avengers-style all-star mash-up, may have gotten a Mulligan, with the much-hoped-for “Snyder Cut” en route early next year. But there are still skeletons tumbling from the troubled production’s closet. In July, one of its stars, Ray Fisher, aka Cyborg, alleged on-set abuse at the hands of the film’s second director, Joss Whedon, who stepped into replace the departing Zack Snyder. Last month, Warner Bros., which owns the DCEU, opened an investigation into Fisher’s claims, but last week both the studio and the actor took their feud next level.

On Friday, as per Deadline, a Warner Bros. spokesperson issued a statement, alleging that Fisher, who had insisted WarnerMedia hire an independent investigator, was not playing ball. “This investigator has attempted multiple times to meet with Mr. Fisher to discuss his concerns but, to date, Mr. Fisher has declined to speak to the investigator,” the statement read. “Warner Bros. remains committed to accountability and to the well-being of every cast and crew member on each of its productions. It also remains committed to investigating any specific and credible allegation of misconduct, which thus far Mr. Fisher has failed to provide.”

The next day, Fisher struck back. Taking to Twitter — where he originally alleged that Whedon’s treatment of himself and others was “gross, abusive, unprofessional and completely unacceptable” — the actor denied that he’d been avoiding the independent investigator, saying he had spoken with them and offering an e-mail, dated August 26, as proof. He also called out Warner Bros. for their “desperate and scattershot attempt to discredit me.”

“It’s also worth noting that I made it clear to the world on Aug 21st that I would be vetting the investigator to ensure a fair and protected process for all witnesses,” he added. “@wbpictures has escalated this to an entirely different level, but I’m ready to meet the challenge.

In Justice League, Fisher played one of the main team — a former college athlete named Victor Stone who, after a fatal car accident, is reborn as a robotic crime fighter. As evidenced by early trailers, Fisher originally had a much larger role, complete with his own origin story. Very little of that wound up in the version that hit theaters in late 2017, but the “Snyder Cut” trailer shows that that will be restored.

(Via Deadline)

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Christina Aguilera Called The New ‘Mulan’ A ‘Beautiful Thing To Share’ With Her Kids For The First Time

Disney’s release of its live-action Mulan is a grand experiment in how much people are willing to pay for content during a pandemic. Disney originally scheduled their remake for a late March theatrical release only to wind up dropping it on their streaming service, for an unprecedentedly large fee of $29 — and that’s if you’re already a Disney+ subscriber. While the remake of the beloved late’90s animated movie will eventually be on the regular tier of Disney+, Christina Aguilera had very good reason to shell out the extra money to show her children the live-action version of the film that helped her become a superstar.

Aguilera had a breakout hit with “Reflection,” which she recorded for the Mulan soundtrack. The singer was invited back to re-record the song for the 2020 version of the movie. As it turns out, Aguilera had never shown her two children the movie. So on the film’s Friday’s release, Aguilera used the film’s digital premiere as an excuse to finally make them watch the animated original.

She shared her excitement about showing her children the movie for the first time on Twitter, calling it a “beautiful thing to share” with her family.

The singer also talked about re-recording “Reflection,” as well as a new song for the 2020 version of Mulan, calling it an “emotional” experience and pointing out the differences between the two songs.

Aguilera also shared an extremely throwback GIF of herself as on Disney, which was a nice coda to what became a very enlightening Twitter Q&A.

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JoJo Explains Her Decision To Remove Tory Lanez From Her Deluxe Album

Following Megan The Stallion’s shooting incident, which she blamed on Tory Lanez, some artists announced they would be removing the Canadian rapper from their songs. The first was Kehlani. The second was JoJo, who was asked last month, after she announced the release date for the deluxe version of her album Good To Know, if she would remove Tory Lanez from their collaboration “Comeback.” She replied, “Def took him TF off.” Now JoJo has elaborated on the move while stopping by Quibi’s Close Up By E! News.

“As soon as the allegations came out, I started talking to my team,” she said. “I can’t support this person, I have to distance myself.” JoJo explained that it was important to “believe women” in situations like the one between Megan and Tory. “Why would it behoove her to lie about this?”

Before the segment concluded, JoJo made sure to clarify her point, saying, “What I’m saying is that I believe Megan Thee Stallion. That was my stance and it just felt like the right thing to do to take him off the deluxe version of the album.”

(via E! News)

Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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The Cast Of ‘The Princess Bride’ Is Reuniting For A Virtual Script Read For Charity

For nearly 35 years, The Princess Bride has been an abiding favorite — a movie so beloved that its legions of fans pounce whenever someone even considers remaking it. Presumably they’ll be cool with this: According to Deadline, a number of the film’s cast members will reunite for one of the quarantine era’s more popular to-dos, the virtual script read, thereby offering a kind-of-not-quite remake.

Those returning include stars Cary Elwes and Robin Wright, baddie Chris Sarandon (but not, apparently, and alas, Christopher Guest), and supporting players Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, Carol Kane, and Billy Crystal. The get-together will also include a Q&A to be moderated by the film’s director, Rob Reiner, as well as Patton Oswalt, who presumably, like a lot of people, is just a big fan. (Pour a couple out for dearly departed Princess Bride cast members André the Giant and Peter Falk.)

Granted, it’s not free: To gain entry, you have to donate to the soiree’s chosen charity, i.e., the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, a traditionally blue state that Donald Trump flipped in 2016 and home to Kenosha, one of the epicenters of the Black Lives Matter protests. Reiner has long been an outspoken progressive, but it was Elwes who penned the night’s lacerating attack on America’s sitting president, which reads as follows:

“I think most people are aware by now that Donald Trump has completely abdicated his duties as President to represent and stand up for all Americans. He has failed to keep the country safe from COVID-19 and as a result he is responsible for the devastating chaos, violence and economic collapse that we are now experiencing.”

“If America is going to have a real chance at healing we must get rid of Trump. And that is only possible if we win Wisconsin. I am thrilled to be part of this very rare reunion of my colleagues from The Princess Bride as a way to increase awareness and garner resources for the state that will determine the fate of America.”

The Princess Bride script read will take place on Sunday, September 13 at 7pm EST.

(Via Deadline)