Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers — the duo behind the supergroup Better Oblivion Community Center — have been active as a pair lately. Oberst joined Bridgers during a livestream for a mini BOCC reunion, and now Bridgers has teamed up with Oberst’s band Bright Eyes for a new single. The song is “Miracle Of Life,” a protest song about abortion rights that benefits Planned Parenthood. The song is currently exclusive to Bandcamp but will be made available on other streaming platforms beginning on October 28.
Lyrically, the song tells the story of a woman who doesn’t have easy access to abortion services: “We could be done with it tonight / The neighborhood doctor says it’s sanitized / Lay down on the hard cold ground / Crying’s such a soothing sound / Get cured with a coat hanger / Girl, you’re in America now.”
Oberst says of the song in a statement:
“This song should not exist in 2020 America. It is a protest song, I guess. Or maybe just a little story about what was, what still is in many parts of the world and what could be again here in this country if the GOP is successful in reshaping the Supreme Court and rolling back all of the hard fought progress made for reproductive rights in the last 50 years. Hopefully, if we all work together and vote, it will make this song sound as irrelevant and outdated as it should.”
Listen to “Miracle Of Life” above.