Politicians have linked up with pop stars a lot during this election cycle, like Bernie Sanders and Cardi B, Bernie Sanders and Halsey, and Bernie Sanders and Dua Lipa. Now it’s Selena Gomez’s turn (not with Bernie), as she has shared a video of herself and Kamala Harris chatting about big issues.
They discussed healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions (like lupus, which Gomez and Harris’ sister have), with Harris saying, “That’s one of the things that Joe and I are fighting for, which is to hold on to the Affordable Care Act and expand it, including what you’ve talked a lot about. Mental health care, the way I think about it is that we have to understand health care. You can’t just think that the body starts from the neck down. We also need health care for the neck up.”
Gomez added, “I just read too much about how deep this country is being affected mentally. I’ve had so many dreams about creating places that people could go to. I think there’s a part of me that wishes we had some sort of place that felt like maybe you just need to get help.”
The singer also declared that young people need to take control of their own democracy, saying, “We are the ones that are going to trail blaze. And we are going to be the next wave of people that truly are going to decide our future. And I plan on doing everything that I can to help and to just also encourage people to vote. I don’t know if they’re sick of me by now.”
Gomez shared a message with the video, writing, “I had the opportunity to speak with Senator @kamalaharris and we discussed several issues that matter. Here is a clip of us discussing the importance of voting and supporting people with mental health issues. There is too much on the line this election for anyone to sit on the sidelines. We all must use our voices and vote. Vote EARLY, vote safely and try to vote in person or drop your ballot in a dropbox (that’s what I did and it couldn’t have been any easier). If you aren’t voting in person, please make sure you follow the instructions that come with your ballot carefully and do not forget to sign your ballot (it’s usually smart to use a blue or black ballpoint ink pen)! For more info to learn how and where to vote in your state go to IWillVote.com”
Watch the video above.
Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.