Last year for Halloween, Tomi Lahren dressed as “the thing that scares me most,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Fox pundit was trying to troll the congresswoman, I guess (?), but it ended up spectacularly backfiring on her. Instead of taking the L and going low-key for Halloween 2020, Lahren gathered her squad for a confusing costume.
“A Mostly Peaceful Halloween #teamTomi #Halloween #peaceful #happyhalloween,” Lahren wrote on Instagram, along with two photos and one video of herself and two fellow liberal-tear drinkers dressed up as… Antifa? Basic-cable Billie Eilish? The cybergoths from the viral dance party? It’s unclear who Lahren thinks she’s making fun of, although my favorite guess came from the Blast: “Fox Nation Host Tomi Lahren Goes As Group Of Sexy Rioters For Halloween?!” It’s always good when the explanation for your Halloween costume involves a question mark.
In other Tomi news, writer and comedian Ali-Asghar Abedi described pranking Lahren into calling Trump an “ullu” (or “dumbass”) for the Daily Beast. “Maybe if she’d ever had a poppadom in her life, Tomi would know this too,” he wrote. “But because she hasn’t, ‘ullu’ became a trending topic in India and millions of Indians watching cable TV news got to know Tomi as the dope who was tricked into insulting her political hero because checking facts seemed like too much hard work.”
She was too busy trying (and failing) to emasculate people wearing masks.