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Sean Hannity Is Being Endlessly Trolled After Asking For Photos Of Voter Fraud

Voter fraud is a real issue, but it’s not as rampant as the average Fox News viewer — including the president — thinks it is. Study after study has shown that “fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is virtually nonexistent, and many instances of alleged fraud are, in fact, mistakes by voters or administrators,” according to nonpartisan institute Brennan Center for Justice. But that hasn’t stopped Last Week Tonight target Sean Hannity from searching for the “Loch Ness Monster of the Republican party.”

“PROTECT THE VOTE: Send Us Your Photos & Videos of Election Abuse, Fraud, Voter Intimidation HERE,” the Hannity host tweeted, along with a link to his website:

“The 2020 Race for the White House still hangs in the balance in a handful of pivotal battleground states. Despite President Trump winning by big margins on Tuesday, ballots for Joe Biden continue to be added to the tally days after polls closed in all 50 states. If you have any evidence of fraud, election abuse, or voter intimidation send them to [email protected] NOW. This is the biggest election of our lifetime. Hold them accountable. Protect the Vote.”

First off, Trump didn’t win by “big margins” on Election Day; he’s losing in the Electoral College count and popular vote. Also, anyone who spends as much time on the internet as Sean Hannity does should know what was going to happen here. It’s like Melania and her green screen dress all over again. Let’s see what Hannity has found so far!

He’s going to crack this case wide open any minute now, I feel it.