Former Entertainment Tonight host John Tesh surprised Twitter users on Sunday night by revealing that he’s apparently had an account this whole time — except not anymore, because he deleted it to join Parler, the far-right social media app that has been rapidly gaining disgruntled Donald Trump supporters following the president’s loss during the 2020 election. After “saying goodbye to censorship and viciousness,” Tesh’s name quickly became a trending topic thanks to a hilarious combination of spicy tweets roasting the TV personality/new age musician for outing himself as a Trump supporter and some users having no clue who John Tesh is.
John Tesh deleted his Twitter account and went to Parler. Serious question, did anyone know he was on Twitter? pic.twitter.com/ZfKCB15IQh
— Hoodlum
(@NotHoodlum) November 16, 2020
Me: “Alexa, who is John Tesh?”
Alexa: “I’m Sorry did you say John Tesh? Seriously is he still alive?”
Me: “I ASKED YOU FIRST ROBOT!” pic.twitter.com/6X5b1kasxw
— Rev.DeathMetalViking
(@GeraldDMV) November 16, 2020
I’m gonna tell my grandkids this is John Tesh. pic.twitter.com/rJ619oaZOB
— El Chappo PhD. (@elchappo64) November 16, 2020
John Tesh joining Parler to avoid viciousness is like moving into a septic tank because your roommate forgot to turn on the fan once. pic.twitter.com/PGFu4xB8cW
— Edwin M Richardson (@BigshotEddie57) November 16, 2020
I had to google who John Tesh is and I still don’t care.
— Devin Nunes’ Alt-Mom (@NunesAlt) November 16, 2020
I was today years old when I learned someone named John Tesh existed and apparently thinks he’s too cool for Twitter.
— Joshua Gale (@joshuafett75) November 16, 2020
Wow. I thought John Tesh died years ago from complications related to a complete lack of anyone’s interest in whatever he had to say on any topic.
— M. Chapman (@mcvadc) November 16, 2020
While many of the tweets were of the “Wait, John Tesh was on Twitter?” and “Who the hell is John Tesh?” variety, others got more specific and lambasted the former Entertainment Tonight anchor for his music that they didn’t enjoy.
This shouldn’t surprise anybody. John Tesh is experienced in using a keyboard to create things no one is interested in pic.twitter.com/ZqYlgV0RdY
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) November 16, 2020
John Tesh and Chachi should form a band. They can call it the nobody gives a fucks. https://t.co/7MpAG2kmVt
— The Queen of Putrescence Rides Again (@Ginger19701) November 16, 2020
John Tesh is on Parler right now thinking “Oh crap. There are so many Nazis on here. Do they buy new age digital music?”
— JeremyNewberger (@jeremynewberger) November 16, 2020
Political junkies also noted that Tesh’s former ET co-host attended a Trump rally (over the summer) where she allegedly used a white power hand symbol. Tesh and Hart’s mutual MAGA love has folks wondering what the heck was happening at Entertainment Tonight back in the day.
First Mary Hart gives a white power symbol then John Tesh leaves for Parler. WTF was in the water at ET circa 1987? pic.twitter.com/9IGmfNShw5
— Christine Galea (@chrisgalea) November 16, 2020
Mary Hart giving John Tesh the welcome to Parler sign pic.twitter.com/bgQMeVRGWz
— Thom Medrano (@thomdmedrano) November 16, 2020
However, the ET deep dive did come with some good news. Leeza Gibbons seems to have missed the MAGA bug:
The good news is since we lost John Tesh to Parler & Mary Hart to Trump, I decided to look up @LeezaGibbons, & she seems to genuinely be a nice person.
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) November 16, 2020
Tesh’s embrace of Parler now puts him in the same league as other former ’80s stars like Kirstie Alley and Scott Baio, who have been vocal supporters of Trump during and after the election. In fact, Baio even went so far as to rearrange an entire shelf of candles at Michael’s, which prompted the president’s admiration on Twitter.