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Curtis Roach Is No Longer ‘Bored In The House’ In His Earthy ‘Bamboo Lounge’ Video

After being “bored in the house” for the duration of the quarantine, Detroit rapper Curtis Roach hits the “Bamboo Lounge” in his latest music video — which incidentally arrives just as the nation prepares for another extended lockdown to curb the increase in coronavirus cases. The “Bamboo Lounge” video finds Curtis wandering the deserted streets of Detroit — and visiting an animated bamboo copse — to reflect on his interesting reversal of fortune: “I was down upon my luck and now I’m golden,” he exults as he dances to the tropical-sounding beat.

The relentlessly upbeat Roach talked to Uproxx in April about the insane viral popularity of his “bored in the house” TikTok sound and how it became the basis of a hit record with Tyga. “I made that before the self-quarantine,” he admitted. “I didn’t know that that was about to happen.” However, the sound and the song based on it quickly became moment-defining soundtracks to this summer’s lockdown, which had Americans bingeing Tiger King, baking bread, and finding whatever means possible to keep their minds and bodies occupied and spirits lifted. “That was crazy for me,” Roach noted. “Every time, when I go on Twitter, it’s a new video of a whole family in quarantine that’s just ‘Bored In The House.’ That’s just the coolest part about it, we all are feeling this right now… We’re all connected through this.”

Watch the “Bamboo Lounge” video above.