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A Trump Legal Advisor Apparently Once Called Him An ‘Idiot’ And Made Fun Of His Supporters

Donald Trump’s continued legal battle to win the 2020 election despite Joe Biden winning both the popular vote and the electoral college has certainly had its Rudy Giuliani-fueled ups and downs. Well, mostly downs when it comes to Trump’s actual chances of changing or invalidating tens of thousands of votes and flipping some states his way.

Some would imagine that it takes a certain devotion to Trump in order to keep the fledgling legal campaign going, but according to a report one of the president’s legal advisors isn’t nearly as loyal as you’d expect. According to report from CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski, Trump’s legal advisor, Jenna Ellis, has a history of criticizing Trump both on Facebook and on a radio program in Colorado.

Ellis, an attorney and former law professor from Colorado, repeatedly slammed then-candidate Trump as an “idiot,” who was “boorish and arrogant,” and a “bully” whose words could not be trusted as factually accurate. She called comments he made about women “disgusting,” and suggested he was not a “real Christian.”

In one March 2016 Facebook post, Ellis said Trump’s values were “not American,” linking to a post that called Trump an “American fascist.” She praised Mitt Romney for speaking out against Trump, referring to him as “Drumpf,” — a nickname coined by comedian John Oliver after a biographer revealed Trump’s ancestor changed the family’s surname from Drumpf to Trump.

Things have obviously changed for Ellis, as she’s worked for Trump as a legal advisor and surrogate for more than a year now. But the network reported on a number of different instances where Ellis attacked both Trump supporters for not caring about the truth and the candidate itself for being an “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag.”

Ellis gave a statement to CNN and didn’t deny the reports, but instead called her early criticism “no secret” and that things, in her mind, have changed.

In a statement to CNN on Wednesday, Ellis said, “It’s no secret that I did not support Donald Trump early in the primary process in 2015, like many others who didn’t know him, and I’ve always been straightforward with my opinions and I’ve always admitted when my opinion changes. I am glad to have learned that I was completely wrong about Trump back then and I’ve said that over and over publicly, as I saw him keeping his promises, and then eventually getting to know him personally.

Ellis has apparently changed her mind about Trump, and as the full story shows certainly has the more recent social media activity to prove it. But the list of criticisms is pretty long, too, and if we know one thing it’s that Trump definitely doesn’t like being called names.

[via CNN]