Tucker Carlson isn’t as die-hard of a Trump fan as Sean Hannity, who invited Rudy Giuliani to follow up on his hair-dye-filled meltdown of a press conference that was mocked by Trump staffers caught on live video, as well as the world at large. Carlson and Hannity did focus on the same issue in their followup to Rudy’s mania, though. And whereas Hannity let the spectacle continue — allowing Rudy to rant (complete with a throat-slash gesture) about an already debunked conspiracy theory that revolves around a baseless claim about vote-changing software orchestrated from a (nonexistent) German server — Carlson also wished to discuss the matter, not so much about Giuliani but fellow Trump Team attorney Sydney Powell.
It’s a stunning segment, partially because Carlson points out that he’s exceedingly “open-minded” (enough to cover UFOs on his show), but he cannot stomach Powell’s kooky election fraud claims when she has refused to cooperate with his requests for evidence. Carlson points out that he’d be down to help prove the “single greatest crime in American history… millions of votes stolen in a day… Democracy destroyed,” but he can’t get Powell to cooperate… perhaps because she has no evidence? Exactly.
Tucker Carlson calls out Sidney Powell, saying he asked her for evidence to support her election fraud claims, but “she never sent us any evidence despite a lot of requests, polite requests, not a page.”
“When we kept pressing she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.” pic.twitter.com/IOlOdhp6MJ
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) November 20, 2020
As Carson reveals, Powell “never sent us any evidence despite a lot of requests, polite requests,” and she apparently grew furious over the matter and asked Tucker’s people “to stop contacting her.” Further, “she never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another.”
Surely, Trump was not pleased while watching this from his self-imposed White House bunker. This deserves a poem, right?
So Tucker Carlson asked Sidney to release the Kraken.
But it seems that her evidence, and credibility, were lackin’.
That trump seems to have lost Tucker is quite gobsmackin’.
Especially since the recount shows Biden has Georgia’s backin’. https://t.co/6w5WWNhSqv
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) November 20, 2020
It’s a sign that Fox News is starting to come full circle with the idea that Trump has lost the election. Carlson even said last week that Trump would have no one to blame but himself if he ended up losing, but it also looks like Trump can blame both Giuliani and Powell for making the situation even more of a hot mess. And it’s a dangerous mess, since Rudy and Sydney are both on-board with the false conspiracy of the U.S. army seizing a software server that flipped Trump votes to Biden. And of course, it’s all Hillary’s fault, according to the kooky theories. I don’t think Hillary is listening anymore!