After his, shall we say, more rotund appearance in Avengers: Endgame, Marvel fans have been curious about what exactly Chris Hemsworth will look like in Thor: Love and Thunder. Well, now we know the answer: Dude is going to be jacked as hell. In a workout photo posted to Instagram over the weekend, Hemsworth shows off his hulking new frame that had even Jason Momoa hopping into the replies to call him a “beast.”
“Cheat day today. Decided to treat myself to this extra large donut, gosh it’s heavy,” Hemsworth wrote in the caption.
You can see Hemsworth looking swole below:
Chris Pratt also jumped into the comments to crack a joke about Hemsworth’s physique, which confirms reports that the Guardians of the Galaxy star will appear in Thor: Love and Thunder. “Hey bud, just heard from my trainer and he needs you to stop working out because since we’re gonna be in the same movie and everything he doesn’t want me to stand next to you if you look like that,” Pratt joked. “So I’m gonna need you to put on 26 lbs real quick cool thanks.”
Ever the benevolent god, Hemsworth set Pratt’s mind at ease with a joke of his own. “Don’t worry mate we can just both use the same fancy filter that’s been applied here. It’s called instashred.”
Of course, Hemsworth’s body transformation shouldn’t come as a total surprise. Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi hinted back in April that he wouldn’t keep the Lebowski Thor gag going. When asked by fans during a live Q&A if Fat Thor would return, Waititi responded, “We haven’t figured that out, but I feel like that’s done.”